NZ Bkpg Bee Diseases Organisation Information Contacts




Mr T Gavin (President in the Chair) Mrs J Lorimer, Messrs D
Bell, T Taiaroa,  S C Goodman (Executive Secretary) and T


An apology for lateness was received from Mr L McKenzie


It was agreed that the meeting times as set out in the
agenda be adopted.


It was agreed that the following items be added to the

a) Establishment of criteria and procedures for the
consideration of request for the deferment of a levy. (D

b) Payment of Conference float (C Gavin)

c) Convita exports to Western Australia - Declined (C Gavin)

d) Apiary Register- Maintenance, Confidence and Correctness
(C Gavin)

e) Executive elections (J Lorimer) it was noted later in the
meeting that at its teleconference meeting of 3 October 1999
Jane Lorimer had been appointed a member of the Executive to
replace Mr Bruce Stephenson.

It was agreed that in the absence of Mr McKenzie the
Executive would consider only certain agenda items on the
first day.


1	Frame replacements to be regarded as Fixed Assets

The Chairman referred to a letter from Gunson McLean-
Accountants in respect of their clients substantial
investment in replacement plastic frames (over $6000). It
was agreed that this was an accounting matter for the
beekeeper to determine with his accountant.


1  Database Analysis

The meeting received a letter from Mr Nick Wallingford, and
it was agreed that the letter be received.


2  Conference Up-date.

The Chairman indicated that Mr Foster had reported that
conference arrangements were progressing well.

Mr Foster had been reminded that the Executive was
responsible for the AGM and Delegates meetings.

Seed funding was still required.

It was agreed that meeting days and times for the Executive
be considered at the next Executive meeting.

It was agreed that the Executive Secretary write to Mr
Foster to clarify the Conference dates, but to indicate the
Wednesday and Thursday 19/20 July for AGM and Delegates
meeting were not changeable.

During this discussion it was agreed that Mr Taiaroa would
continue to be responsible for Executive travel bookings,
and would report on the options for Executive travel for


2  Bad debts

The meeting reviewed the minute of the September meeting
(page 2) in respect of bad debts provisioning, and it was
noted that this accounting action did not infer that
collection of the debt/levy would not continue.

The Executive Secretary was requested to ensure prompt
follow up with the collection agency.

3  Cost Recovery

The meeting noted comments from the previous Executive
Secretary as to the high cost, particularly in respect of
time, in servicing some aspects of the NBA's affairs.

It was agreed that where unwarranted amounts of time were
expended on servicing member request then some cost recovery
should be implemented.

4  Bank Authorities

It was agreed that the following be appointed bank signing
authorities, any two of the following: -

Tim Leslie

Catherine Petrey

Josephine Lewis

And it was subsequently agreed, later in the meeting, that
the President should be added to this list.


3  Code of Practice

It was agreed that an application be lodged with the
Trustees for financial assistance for this project.

Further discussion was delayed until Mr McKenzie was

4  ACC

The meeting noted action being taken by the new government.

5	PMS Facilitator

Deferred until Mr McKenzie was present


5  Applications to the Trust

The Chairman reported that he had received an application
from NZ AgriChemicals in respect of the spray drift advisory

It was agreed to defer a decision on this application.  Mr
Bell undertook to make further inquiries.



General discussion took place in respect of a pollen
supplement and on control of broom. It was agreed that the
President would keep in touch on these matters

2  Application to import West Australian Honey

The Chairman reported that there had been no progress since
the last meeting.

3  Field Days Mystery Creek

Mrs Lorimer reported that approaches had been made for
sponsorship, and two organisations had indicated support to
a level of $2000. An application had been lodged for a site
(cost $2500) but this could not be confirmed until finance
was available. The marque would cost an additional $1000,
and there would of course be additional misc. expenses eg
power. The layout etc of the site could not be finalised
until confirmation of the site.

It was agreed that every endeavour be made to ensure that
funding is available.


Mr T Leslie arrived.


1  Surfactant Report

Mr Bell reported that there had been no further action by
the Pesticides Board.

2  Research Report - Dr Mark Goodwin

The Chairman expressed his disappointment on the limited
comment received.


Deferred until Mr McKenzie was present.

However the meeting did express its concern at the imbalance
of funding disease control, ie the non-payment by the bulk
of "hobbyist beekeepers" towards the cost of disease

It was noted that under The Commodity Levies (Bee Products)
Order 1996, Section 3 imposed a levy and Section 5 provided
for the basis of calculation.

The exemption provisions provided in Section 6 required a
statutory declaration.

It was agreed that the NBA was required to send a levy
notice to all beekeepers.  Therefore levy notices should be
sent to all beekeepers registered  under the Biosecurity
(National Foulbrood Pest Management Strategy) Order 1998.The
responsibility was then on the beekeeper to seek exemption
by way of a statutory declaration


6  Training in Progress

The meeting was made aware of the problem in receiving
redirected mail from the previous Executive Secretary. The
Executive noted the action taken and the contents of Mr
Leslie's letter of 10 February 2000 to Mr Brown.

The meeting was also made aware of a letter dated 11
February 2000 from Mr H Brown seeking an additional payment
for services provided since termination.


The meeting adjourned at 4.45 pm and reconvened at 8.45am on
Monday 14 February 2000


Mr T Gavin (President in the chair) Mrs J Lorimer Messrs D
Bell T Taiaroa, L McKenzie and S.C.Goodman - Executive
Secretary and Mr T Leslie


The Executive secretary reviewed items from the previous
days meeting.

a. Suggested the addition of the President to bank signing

b. Drew to the attention of the Executive the additional
costs involved in sending levy notices to all beekeepers.

c. That as the management agency (Sec6) it was responsible
to keep a register of all apiaries (Sec23) but that the
order is established on the recommendation of the Minister
of Agriculture.


1  Meeting held on 4 and 5 December 1999

The Chairman was authorised to sign the minutes as a true
and correct record after noting the following amendment: -

PRESENT - Mr T Gavin (President in the Chair) Mrs J Lorimer,
Messrs D Bell L McKenzie, T Taiaroa and D Ganeshalingham
(Minute Secretary)

It was noted that this approval included the " Notes to
Minutes (for Executive members only) "

2  Teleconference meeting 4 February 2000

The Chairman was authorised to sign the minutes as a true
and correct record.

3  Teleconference meeting 26 September l999

The Chairman was authorised to sign the minutes as a true
and correct record.


Mr. McKenzie tabled the following additional items for the
agenda paper

Calendar of events

Rural assistance/drought relief

Roll over of current support for another six months

Localised disasters, what is our position

Sheffield Consultancy's account still unpaid - we agreed it
was to be settled in seven days from completion of the
project last November

Concern expressed by a couple of members re standard of
field day venues

Non reception of mail

"Strategy for Greening of NZ Honey"

The Executive Secretary suggested that in future where
members had items for the agenda, these be sent in for
inclusion on the circulated agenda paper.


1	Minutes 4/5 December 1999

a)  Phenol Testing

The Chairman reported that he had not as yet had any
discussions with Mr Peter Bray. He will pursue the matter.

The committee was generally of the opinion that at this
stage overseas testing would less expensive than the cost of
having the test undertaken within New Zealand.

Mr McKenzie undertook to talk to the beekeeper involved.

b)  Privacy Commissioner

The Chairman reported that he still had to make contact with
the commissioner in respect of the B Peterson situation.

c)  Change in Government

The Chairman reported that a letter had been sent to Mr
Sutton on his appointment as Minister of Agriculture


7  Federated Farmers New Zealand Inc

It was noted that the Executive at its teleconference
meeting of 26 September had decided that Federated Farmers
would be the Association's "service provider"

8  Remits and Rule Changes

It was the opinion of the Executive that any changes to rule
20(b) should be considered at a later date.

In respect of rule 16 (f) it was noted that the Executive
had at its teleconference meeting on 3 October 1999 decided
that Jane Lorimer be  appointed a member of the Executive to
replace Mr Bruce Stephenson.

It was agreed that all members of the Executive would review
the Rules and bring forward any suggested amendments for
consideration at the next meeting of the Executive.

9	OSH Safety Plan

Mr McKenzie reported no progress since the last meeting of
the Executive and  hoped for progress by the next meeting.

10  Code of Practice

The Chairman indicated that he was still working on this
project, funding to the order of $4000/$5000 would be needed
to have it successfully implemented.

11  ACC

It was agreed that the Executive should keep this matter
under review.

12  Facilitator (PMS)

It was agreed that to progress this matter it was necessary
to establish a job description and person description. It
was agreed that as Mr C Van Eaton had had substantial input
into the Strategy, the Chairman would ask if he could assist
with these descriptions.

It was further agreed that the Chairman and Mrs Lorimer
would confer on the draft operational plan and report back
to the Executive at its next meeting.


6  Annual Accounts - 31 December 1999

The meeting reviewed the first DRAFT of the annual accounts,
noting that the service provider was of the opinion there
maybe some accounts outstanding. (See previous reference to
redirected mail Page 4)

During the discussion the meeting considered the advice from
Mr M Reid (AgriQuality) in respect of  the accounting for
costs and revenue for residue testing. Debate took place as
to the intent of the memorandum of understanding and the
Chairman undertook to discuss this with Mr Reid the
following day.

The Executive Secretary was ask to note that the Apiary
Register Budget cost of $10000 was a "book entry" and should
reflect a revenue item under the PMS accounts.

With regard to the levy income it was the opinion of the
Executive that the differential in the levy for the first
apiary site was intended to be income towards the cost of
publications. Therefore in respect of the 2000 year's
income, $28 of the levy for the first site should be shown
as publications income, the remaining levy to be divided on
the percentage basis .It was agreed that the 1999 accounts
need not be amended to take note of this apportionment, but
the notes to the accounts should so state.

7	Application to Industry Trust for NBA funding

The meeting noted the application prepared by Mr McKenzie,
and he undertook to pursue the matter with the Trustees.
(Note follow up Page 10)

8  Statement of Financial Position together with Accounts
for Payment.

The meeting considered the Cheque register statement dated
10/02/00 and accounts totalling $96399.14 were approved for
payment, represented by cheque Nos. 000657 to 000696 and
bank debits from 11/10/99 to 17/12/99

9  Budget for the year 2000

Mrs Lorimer tabled a revised budget for the current
financial year, which took into account, in part, the
publications revenue from the levy. The overall situation
was a deficit of $15119 before any taxation.

The Executive Secretary referred to his "comparative"
document and whether some of the proposed expense reductions
could be achieved in the light of the past costs eg
communications, printing and stationery, executive meeting
costs etc.  He also stated that in his opinion the proposed
budget was more akin to a cash flow forecast.

The Executive resolved to adopt the budget as revised by Mrs
Lorimer and that a full review be undertaken at the April
meeting of the Executive so that a realistic budget might be
presented the 2000 conference.

It was agreed that the levy allocation for the year 2000 be
as follows:

Administration  45%

Marketing/Development  24%

Pest Mtge. Strategy  31%

Noting that the Executive had decided earlier the first site
differential of $28 would be classified as Publications

10  Levy Collection, including bad debts

Considerable discussion took place in respect of the
collection of the levy and the follow up procedures. The
following was adopted for the collection of the levy in the
current financial year (2000)

Last date for payment of levy 31 March

First reminder to be sent no later than	20 April

Second reminder, to include advice of legal action, to be
sent no later than 20 May

Review by Executive and Branches in the month of June

Levy payments outstanding for which no deferment or other
arrangement made, sent to BAYCORP for collection July/August

With respect to outstanding levies for 1999, and having
regard to the unsatisfactory nature of the database(s) it
was agreed that the following priorities be established.

(a)  In the short term any levy outstanding of less than
$250 be deferred meantime from being sent to Baycorp for
collection, or if already with Baycorp further action be
deferred meantime

(b)  Amounts in excess of $250 be referred to Baycorp for
collection, after

(c)  any explanation from the beekeeper is verified by
reference to an Executive member or branch.

11	Deferment Procedure 

It was agreed the Chairman and Mr Bell would draft
guidelines for

(a)  The benefit of beekeepers seeking deferment of their

(b)  Matters to be considered by the Executive when
deliberating on a request for a deferment

12 Apiary Register- Maintenance, Confidence and Correctness. 

Amended 24.2.00  The Executive were concerned to achieve
communication between the members and Agriquality to ensure
that the Register is as uptodate and accurate as is
practical. To this end the Chairman and Mr Bell will have
discussions with Mr M Reid, Agriquality NZ Ltd - NBA
contractor for the maintenance of the database - prior to
their meeting with Dr Barry O'Neil, MAF Biosecurity
Authority, the following day.


1	Pest Management Review Committee

The executive met with Mr M Bush, Chairman of the Review

The Executive agreed to the objectives set by the Committee:

(a)  To adopt the intended objective as stated in the
operational plan (Page 2,  Item 1.2)

(b)  Investigate all items in current contracts to ensure:-

i  Are contractors meeting their required specifications

ii  Are beekeepers meeting their requirements and achieving
PMS objectives.

iii  Make changes to contract specifications if an area is
found to be ineffective and/or unfinancial

(c)	Ensure PMS is available for public tender (May 2000)

(d)  Write a report for current Minister in charge of PMS,
to ensure continuation of Industry disease programme

(e)  Review PMS operational plan in view of earlier

(f)  Prepare and submit budgets as required by NBA executive

(g)  Develop communication links to members through branches
and magazine articles. Encourage feed back from members. If
PMS is not working in the field, we want to know why, and
how it can be fixed.

The committee's Goal was to make itself as "apolitical" as

Mr Bush in responding to a question indicated that he
thought the review committee would prefer that any
facilitator appointed would be apart from their committee.

Mr Bush advised the Executive the Mr R Bensemann had
resigned from the committee, and it was agreed that
approaches be made to Mr  Andy Booth to see if he would make
himself available.

Mr Bush indicated the committee's need for some form of
secretarial assistance for some but not all of their
meetings. It was agreed later in meeting that Mr Leslie's
offer to assist be accepted.

It was noted that contact person within the administration
contract was Mr Bruce Stephenson and it was noted that this
would need to be changed at the meeting the following day.

The Chairman undertook to discuss with Dr Mark Goodwin his
continuance as Adviser.

The meeting indicated to Mr Bush that it saw no problem in
his or his nominee having direct dialogue with Mr M Reid of
Agriquality.  It was agreed that the Chairmen would advise
Mr M Reid of this decision.

In response to a request from Mr Bush, it was agreed that it
was in order for Mr Leslie to make available to Mr Bush
financial information that would be of assistance to the
committee in developing its budget.

The meeting noted certificate of inspection figures provided
by Mr M Reid (E mail 11/2/00). The meeting was of the
opinion that the high number of defaulters should be
addressed. It was agreed later in the meeting that the NBA
should be exercising its powers under the Biosecurity Act
and in particular the penalty provisions. It being noted
that the contractor had no responsibility nor liable in
insuring compliance. (See page 12)


12(ctd) Apiary Register

Amended 24.2.00  Mr Bell indicated his concerns that the NBA
had not progressed an access and maintenance agreement for
the apiary register. The NBA should not be expected to
shoulder all the costs of maintaining the register or its
updating. as other agencies use this data eg Export
Certification, EDPR etc.

It was agreed that the Chairman be given the authority to
finalise the proposed agreement for access and maintenance
of the register with MAF Biosecurity Authority, at the
meeting the following day, provided he thought it
appropriate to do so.

13  Cheques upon the table

It was agreed that the cheques left on the table at the
September meeting (Minutes Page 3 - item 5) had in fact been
taken from the table at the December meeting

14  Equipment

It was agreed that the Executive Secretary be authorised to
purchase a filing cabinet.

7(ctd)	Application to Industry Trust for NBA funding

Mr Leslie reported on his telephone discussion with one of
the trustees, and it appeared that the trustees were
unlikely to be responding favourably to the Executive's
request, probably because it might not meet the Trust Deeds
requirements. It was agreed that the Executive Secretary be
authorised to pursue this matter with the Trustees.


1 Mr Taiaroa reported that the preparation of the profile
magazine for the industry was currently under examination.

It would be possible to reprint the existing document, but
that was in need of some major updating.

The Executive agreed that a new profile document was
important, but implementation will probably be hindered by
the lack of finance.

A paper on the economic benefits of the beekeeping industry
was to be prepared.

2 Mr Taiaroa reported that a review was currently underway
of the costs for printing and editing the Beekeeper Journal

Arrangements were being made to accept small classified
advertisements - cost $25

It was not proposed to amend advertising rates at present.

3 Mr Leslie read a communication from Mr N Wallingford in
respect of the NBA'S web page, with particular reference to
its domicile and maintenance.

It was agreed that responsibility for the web page now be
with Mr McKenzie.

It was further agreed that Mr Leslie explore options in
respect of the ISP. The Executive recorded its appreciation
to Mr N Wallingford for his major contribution in respect of
the NBA web page.


4	Marketing Facilitator Contract

Mrs Lorimer reported the contract was still under review,
and the present financial situation of the NBA was not
assisting matters.

5  Labelling Requirement

No further action

6  Foreign Affairs and Trade

The Chairman reported on discussions with the Ministry in
respect of bees to the USA and other related matters.

He referred to correspondence received from Convita with
regard to the export of honey products to Western Australia.
He also referred to the letter  from the Western Australia
Dept of Agriculture on the same subject.  It was noted that
this appeared to be contrary to the SPS agreement.

7	Residue Testing - EU and APA

Advice from the Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry that
Caroline Keast would be the contact within the Animal
Products Group for the National Chemical Residues Monitoring
Programme as this had now been taken over by MAF food
Assurance Authority, Animal Products group.

8  Import Standards for Bee Products

Mr McKenzie report no progress, but Ms Peters of MAF R A had
undertaken to keep the NBA informed.

9  Import of Honey without Documentation

The Chairman reported on advice of imported honey being
received in New Zealand without a permit. It was agreed that
in view of the special circumstances, the Chairman would
raise the matter with officials in an " informal way".

10  Animal Products Act

Mr McKenzie reported that a submission had been lodged with
regard to the defining a primary producer, and the
submission had noted that the NBA would appreciate the
opportunity for further discussion.

He further reported that a new round of submissions was
being sought.

It was agreed that Messrs McKenzie and Bell pursue these
matters in consultation with Maxine Yuile of Federated

11  Application to import Western Australian Honey

The Chairman to have discussions with Caroline Keast of MAF
Animal Products Group.

12  Field Days Mystery Creek

The Executive indicated that it would support an application
to the Trustees for financial assistance with this project.
(Refer page 3)

13	Bees to United Kingdom

It was agreed that a letter be written to the Ministry
ascertaining the present position of bee on the comb, and Mr
McKenzie agreed to work with Mr Leslie in preparing the

14  IHEO

It was agreed that the Chairman would ascertain from Mr Ian
Berry as to the present situation of the NBA'S IHEO


4  Genetically Modified Organisms

No further action

5  Landcare Research - Biological control of Broom

The meeting noted that Landcare were currently conducting a
survey. It was agreed to await any action from ERMA

6	Honey research Unit

No further development


2	Pest Management Strategy

It was agreed that the Chairman further discuss this issue
with Mr M Reid of the contractor Agriquality

3  Every beekeeper is carrying the cost of disease control

Discussed earlier in the meeting (Page 3)

4  Reporting of AFB to Management Agency

It was noted that the NBA as the managing agency had not
received any communications on the topic and in any case
these should be sent to the contractor.

5	Draft Biosecurity Research Strategy

The Chairman reported on receipt of a document from Sue
Cotton of the Biosecurity Secretariat.  It was agreed that
this be circulated to the Executive for consideration and
comment, and Mr Bell undertook to act as the co-ordinate of
the comments and prepare the submission to MAF.

6  	Agriquality Contract

At present under review by the Review Committee.

7 	Terms of Reference for PMS Review Committee

The Chairman tabled the report from Mr Bell (17/1/00)
outlining draft terms of reference for the Review Committee

The Chairman agreed to ascertain from Mr Ian Berry whether
the previous Executive Secretary had written asking if he
would accept the appointment of Disputes Arbitrator for the
PMS (Exec Minutes, Page 7 item 48- September 1999 meeting)

It was agreed that Mr Leslie would provide the secretarial
assistance sought by Mr Bush for the Review committee.

It was agreed that there was no need, at this stage, to
appoint a contact person for the PMS contract.

It was agreed that Mr McKenzie would approach Mr Andy Booth
to serve on the Review committee, following liaison with the
Chairperson (Mr Bush)

General discussion took place about the requirements for a
certificate of inspection under the Biosecurity Order 1998
and the Biosecurity Act. It was agreed that Mr Leslie
discuss with Federated Farmers solicitor the  "mechanics"
and possible costs of taking action under the non compliance
penalty clauses of the Biosecurity Act.

Depending on the outcome of this consultation, appropriate
messages to be sent to the industry via the Journal and Web


1  Rural Assistance/Drought Relief

(a) Mr McKenzie commented that there were a lot of
beekeepers still under stress and who had cash flow
problems.  It was agreed that the NBA should write to the
Ministry supporting a continuation of the relief policy for
a further 6 months from 31 March 2000.

(b) In respect of localised disasters, it was agreed to
ascertain from Federated Farmers if they had a position on
the issue.  Mr Leslie to discuss with Mrs C Petrey.

2  It was noted that the Sheffield Consultancy account had
been paid.

3	Strategy for Greening

University of Otago paper  - agreed that this be discussed
at the next meeting.

4  Training in Progress

The meeting had discussed earlier in the meeting the problem
of redirected mail and Mr Brown's letter of 11 February
2000. It was now decided that in remunerating Mr Brown to 31
December 2000 the Executive had fulfilled all its obligation
to the contractor - Training in Progress, and had no further
liability for any time Mr Brown had spent on NBA business
since the date of the termination ie 15 October 1999.


The next meeting was set down for Monday and Tuesday 21/22
March 2000, in Wellington, commencing as soon as practical
on the Monday morning.


The meeting concluded at 4.45 pm

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