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Minutes of the National Beekeepers Assoc of New Zealand
(Inc) Executive.

Meeting 05 held at Beachcomber Motor Inn, Tahunanui, Nelson
on 11 & 12 March 2001 commencing at 6.45pm on the 11th.



Richard Hatfield - President in the chair, Don Bell, Lin
McKenzie, Terry Gavin, Jane Lorimer, Philip Cropp and Tim
Leslie, Executive Secretary.

There were no apologies.

2.Minutes of Executive meeting 4 held February 1 & 2, 2001

"With the following changes:- Jane Lorimer had tabled the
Committee Terms of Reference at a previous meeting and that
they be appended to the minutes, the minutes of meeting 4 be
accepted as an accurate record."

T Gavin/P Cropp


Action 4.1

Tim Leslie to check with auditors that this policy
(regarding presentation of GST Receipts for expense claims)
is adequate.

Action 4.2

Tim Leslie to double check on the registration status of the
3 mentioned beekeepers and ascertain that they are not in
breach of the AFB PMS and that they are not harbouring an
unwanted organism.

Action 4.3

Tim Leslie to research Executive minutes since July 2000 for
all motions that relate to Committees and debt collection
and formulate into a policy for each.

Action 4.4

Richard Hatfield to write to MAF to outline and restate the
NBA's position.

Action 4.5

Tim Leslie to word a policy for contracts: i.e. every
activity the NBA enters into with outside parties or
contacts is in writing.

Action 4.6

Tim Leslie and Terry Gavin to write to MAF requesting that
the NBA have its own Level One Authorised Persons.

Action 4.7

Terry Gavin and Richard Hatfield to work with the Compliance
Committee to formulate a policy of enforcement for abandoned

Action 4.8

Tim Leslie to write to AgriQuality and restate that the only
position the NBA has at this time for abandoned apiaries is

Action 4.9

Jane Lorimer to work with Environment Committee to formulate
a policy on this issue and ensure the Environment Committee
is functioning by March meeting.

Action 4.10

Tim Leslie to write to the Director General, cc Ministers,
expressing the NBA's concern at the system failure.

Action 4.11

Also write to allied industries and other Political Party
Agricultural and Biosecurity spokesmen outlining the NBA's

Action 4.12

Terry Gavin to finalise Exotics Committee before March
meeting Action 4.13

All executive members to feed back to Jane Lorimer their
finalised cost centre areas by 19 February 2001.

Action 4.14

Philip Cropp to work with Richard Hatfield finalising a
contract with Federated Farmers.

Action 4.15

Tim Leslie to look at the NBA's insurance's; - fire and
general and public liability - to ensure they are adequate
and appropriate.

Action 4.16

Tim Leslie to discuss with Catherine Petrey (Federated
Farmers) the breakdown of the current contract's costs.

Action 4.17

Tim Leslie to secure and circulate rulings to branches and
executive regarding volunteers "working on inspections".

Action 4.18

Tim Leslie to circulate to executive the draft audit so that
they can respond to Tim Leslie by 12/2/01.

Action 4.19

Tim Leslie to discuss with Federated Farmers how they work
their provinces out.

Action 4.20

Tim Leslie to write to the two gentlemen.

Action 4.21

Lin McKenzie and Tim Leslie to talk through before the March

3. 'That the inwards correspondence be accepted and the
outwards approved.' D Bell/L McKenzie Carried

4. 'That the Executive Expenses of $6367.44 be approved." P
Cropp/L McKenzie Carried

"That the AP 2 training claims of $12,055.80 be paid." J
Lorimer/D Bell Carried

The meeting agreed to deal with item 7.5- Remit Policy for
the AGM.

"That the following Remit Policy be adopted."

J Lorimer/ Bell Carried


In previous years there have been many late remits that have
taken up much of the debate. The intention of this policy is
to set out the conditions that remits and late remits will
be debated.


Remits will be tabled in accordance with the rules of the
association. All remits will be debated at the remit debate.

The Chair of the remit debate my impose a guillotine based
on the length of time for all remits to be debated and the
number of remits. The chair will reorder the remits to
ensure that effective use of time occurs.

Late Remits

The chair will only accept late remits if

1. The proposer and seconder can demonstrate that the matter
to be discussed is:

a. Urgent matter to the NBA or beekeeping and

b. The matter could have not been raised through the normal
remit process as it did not become apparent within the

2. and, in the sole opinion of the chair and the vice chair
that the matter needs to be discussed, and

3. The floor accepts such late remit in accordance with the
rules and

4. They are tabled to the chair at the opening of the remit

Late remits will always be heard after the main remit
debate. No late remits will be accepted after the opening by
the chair.


1. Open the Meeting

2. Receive late remits

3. Report on last years remits

4. Chair sets out the order of debate the guillotines if

5. Chair sets out rules of debate

6. Remits

7. Late remits

8. Debate close.

Remit debating rules

The remit debating rules will follow the executive debating
rules as set out in the executive policy.

Reporting and recording

The Executive Secretary shall record the meeting and it
shall be reported within three months in The Beekeeper.
Each successful remit shall be allocated to a ponfoho and
that will be made known to the membership via the beekeeper.

Action 5.1

Tim Leslie to circulate to each Branch by March 19, a copy
of the new remit policy.

"That the NBA purchase 26 copies of "Robert Rules of Order"
and the Executive Secretary distribute one to each Branch
and Executive Member." D Bell/L McKenzie Carried

The chairman adjourned the meeting for the evening at

2nd Day

The Chairman reconvened the meeting at 8.50am on the 12th of
March. A quorum was present.

5. Annual Report, and 2000 Audit and 2001 Budget

Richard Hatfield presented a template for the 2000 Annual

"Executive agreed to adopt the format and also to present an
unaudited first six months of 2001 at the AGM."

L McKenzie/J Lorimer Carried

Action 5.2

All Executive members to supply to Tim Leslie by 28 March,
their annual reports.

Action 5.3

Tim Leslie to write to branches and explain why their
balance sheets as at 31/12/00 are required.

The 2001 budget was discussed.

"Subject to any amendments due to Marketing Committee
discussion later in the meeting, the 2001 budget with a
projected surplus of $32,000, that will be dedicated to
reserves be accepted." J Lorimer/P Cropp Carried

Action 5.4

Tim Leslie to write to branches with a copy of the budget
and explain that they will have to pay conference travel out
of their 2001 branch allocation.

Delegations of Authority

"In accordance with the 2001 Budget, the Executive Committee
delegates to the respective Portfolio holders their area of
responsibility. The Portfolio holder in turn delegates to
the Sub Committee Chairman involved to expend the allocation
for that cost centre in the approved budget." D Bell/J
Lorimer Carried

6. Portfolio Reports

Terry Gavin - PMS

Lin McKenzie - Communications:- Magazine bedding down for
the year.

Electronic Communications are next priority.

Action 5.5

Executive members to communicate to Lin McKenzie their ideas
and needs for Electronic Communications by 31 March 2001.

Richard Hatfield - Compliance

Action 5.6

Tim Leslie to report progress on bad debt collection in the
April Beekeeper.

Jane Lorimer- Environment.

Work on spray in Citrus being progressed by B Foster.

Attended Animal Products Act roadshow.

Made submissions to ERMA on the Hieracium application.

Terry Gavin - Exotics

Action 5.7

Tim Leslie to write to MAF again and request that the Exotic
Committee get underway and also state that the NBA wants the
opportunity to tender for sample collection.

Philip Cropp - Export

Action 5.8

Tim Leslie to write to AgriQuality and ask for the NBA's EU
export levy money.

Action 5.9

Tim Leslie to write to AgriQuality CEO and express our
displeasure that protocols being written as consultants to
foreign nations by AgriQuality are destroying New Zealand's
access to bee exporting.

Richard Hatfield - Governance

Don Bell - Varroa

Lin McKenzie - Support

Action 5.10

Lin McKenzie to prepare a submission to the Trust for funds
for a support programme.

Meeting adjourned for 10 minutes at 1040am.

Reconvened at 10.55am.

Philip Cropp - Marketing

Philip Cropp outlined progression on "Operation Cinderella."

"The Marketing Committee be requested to develop Terms of
Reference and business cases for developing the Honey
Certification Scheme as discussed at the November 2000
meeting and Operation Cinderella so that the Executive can
make an informed decision about funding and progressing the
projects. Funding of $10,000 per project be allocated for
this preliminary work and the Marketing Committee report to
the Executive by the May 2001 Meeting at the latest."

T Gavin/D Bell Carried

Don Bell's paper (as requested at the February 2001 meeting)
was tabled for discussion after the lunch break.

The meeting adjourned at 12.O5pm.

Meeting reconvened at 1.l5pm.

A quorum was present.

Don Bell's paper was accepted for discussion. It was agreed
to consider the recommendations one by one.


1. accepted with change

2. accepted as is.

3. accepted - one abstention.

4. accepted - one abstention.

5. accepted with amendment.

6. accepted and the Committee noted the principal applies to
more than just the Marketing Committee.

7. accepted.

8. accepted-3 for-1 against

Jane Lorimer's paper rebutting some of Don Bell's paper's
conclusions was tabled.

"That the paper be accepted."

P Cropp/ McKenzie 4 in favour

1 abstention

As the paper contained a direct criticism of the NBA
President, Richard Hatfield relinquished the Chair to Vice
President, Don Bell who immediately called a 15 minute
recess at 2.OOpm.

Don Bell recalled the meeting at 2.l5pm.

Point of Order - Lin McKenzie - No 1

As the paper contained criticism of the President, he should
not have chaired the discussion.

"That the discussion re-open under the chairmanship of Don

L McKenzie/P Cropp

4 in favour

1 abstention

Point of Order- Philip Cropp -No 2

Philip Cropp raised the issue of confusion over the paper
being discussed. Some members thought the Committee was
discussing a paper from Jane Lorimer on her visit to Dr

"That Jane Lorimer's report be received for discussion."

T Gavin/ McKenzie

4 in favour

1 against

Don Bell ruled on the points of order:

1 After review, the report comes from the chair of the
Marketing Committee. Notwithstanding, the President was
correct to hand the chair to another party.

2 Accepted the assurance of members that there was some
confusion over the paper being discussed..

Don Bell ascertained that Richard Hatfield would not chair
anymore debate on the Jane Lorimer paper and Richard
Hatfield stated he would not participate in the discussion.

Jane Lorimer then stated that as Marketing committee Chair,
she felt Don Bell's paper needed responding to.

Terry Gavin suggested that the last 7 paragraphs of the
paper be removed.

Philip Cropp suggested that letters from President over rule
Portfolio holder's authority. He felt the issue had been
cleared up at the February meeting and that Don's paper
re-opened the issue.

Don Bell restated that his report made it clear that the
President can write to Committees, but it is up to the
Executive to censure the President.

Richard Hatfield asked for permission to speak and asked
which part of the 5 December 2000 letter to the Marketing
Committee was the problem.

It transpired that it was the reference to $70,000 total for
Marketing to be allocated to the Committee and the general
"thrust" of the letter.

Jane Lorimer asked what paragraphs offended Richard

Richard Hatfield stated it was the first 3 paragraphs.

"That from and including "with respect and the first 3
paragraphs" of Jane Lorimerts paper be removed from the
paper for it to be accepted."

T Gavin/ McKenzie 3 for

1 against (J Lorimer asked that her vote against be

Don Bell asked Richard Hatfield if he accepted the outcome
and if he would resume the Chair.

Richard Hatfield stated he did and would and thanked Don
Bell for working the Committee through the issue.

The President asked if there was any more discussion on Jane
Lorimer's paper.

"That the amended paper be accepted."

T Gavin/L McKenzie 4 in favour

1 abstention

To clear up the letter of 5 December 2000, Richard Hatfield
again handed the Chair to Don Bell.

Richard Hatfield accepted he should have communicated with
Philip Cropp when writing the letter and apologised.

Don Bell handed the Chair back to Richard Hatfield.

By consensus the committee agreed:-

1. Don Bell's recommendations be accepted.

2. Jane Lorimer's amended paper be accepted.

3. Set aside the 5 December 2000 letter as it has now been

4. The motion of earlier in the meeting relating to
Operation Cinderella and Honey Certification is the
direction the Marketing Committee will take.

Marketing cont: Philip Cropp reported that he still needs to
finalise the final pick up of NBA property from Floyd

It was agreed that Don Bell and Philip Cropp work on the 8
recommendations of Don Bell's paper as soon as possible.

Jane Lorimer tabled a paper reporting on a meeting with P

7 Committee Business

The Terms of Reference for the PMS Op's Committee were

"That the Executive confirm the Varroa Advisory Oversight
Committee and its executive committee as an advisory
committee to the Executive The VAOC committee define its
Terms of Reference.!!

D Bell/T Gavin Carried

"That the following committees ratified as official standing
committees of the NBA:

Environment, Exotics, Finance, Marketing, PMS
Compliance/Review, PMS Op's and Publications."

D Bell/J Lorimer Carried

Action 5.11

Tim Leslie to advise committee chairs of above and report
the membership of the committees to the

Beekeeper and the website.

Action 5.12

Portfolio holder to follow up with Committee chairs and
ensure the committee membership is finalised.

Action 5.13

Tim Leslie to write to committee chairs and remind that the
NBA reporting policy is monthly to the Executive and
quarterly to the Beekeeper.

7. General

7.1 Proposals for rule changes were accepted.

Action 5.14

Tim Leslie to draft rule changes for April meeting.

7.2 Honorariums

"That the Executive recommends to the AGM that 2001
Honorariums be set at: President $7k. Vice President $3k,
Executive $3k and Standing Committee Chairs $lk."

P Cropp/T Gavin Carried

7.3 Management Agency Review

"It was agreed to progress a new contract with Federated
Farmers, as soon as possible."

Action 5.15

Executive members to supply to Philip Cropp or Richard
Hatfield thoughts for the contract by 18 March 2001.

7.4 AGM

Decided to format the AGM as such:

Wednesday AM - AGM and rule changes

Wednesday PM - Social

Thursday AM - Conference of Branch Delegates

Thursday PM - left over business from AGM and Conference

Friday evening - GM Debate

Invite Hon Warren Cooper and the Hon P Hodgson.

7.5 Privacy Case

It has come to light in the NBA's claim for costs that the
NBA had received advice from another law firm prior to
August 2000 and this advice is contrary to that received in
August 2000.

Action 5.16

Tim Leslie to contact the Hawke's Bay law firm and ask for
the correspondence.

7.6. Toxic Honey

Jane Lorimer informed that the MAF Enforcement Unit is
working on a case of alleged harvesting of Tutu Honey.

7.7 Hive Register agreement

Action 5.17

Tim Leslie to write to MAF to get contract negotiations
underway again.

7.8 AgriQuality

Action 5.18

Executive to detail issues with AgriQuality to Tim Leslie so
that an urgent meeting can be held with the AgQual hierarchy
to get the relationship back on track.

7.9 Aussie MAF request

The meeting agreed to recommend that G Cammell travel to the
Canberra meeting on Varroa.

7.10 Next meeting   5 & 6 April

Meeting closed at 5.15 pm.

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