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National Beekeepers' Association of New Zealand (Inc.)
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes from the meeting held at
the Copthorne Resort, Waitangi, on Sunday 19th of July 1998.

Present: Chairman Mr. Russell Berry, Mr. Terry Gavin, Mr.
Don Bell, Mr. Tony Taiaroa, Mr. Keith Herron, Mr. Lin
McKenzie, Mr. Bruce Stevenson, (joined at 12.45pm) Executive
secretary Mr. Harry Brown.

1. Welcome and call to order:

The Chairman Mr. Russell Berry welcomed all the participants
to the meeting and called the meeting to order at 8.05am. He
advised the meeting, that Mr. Lin McKenzie and Mr. Bruce
Stevenson will have full speaking but no voting rights, and
welcomed them to the meeting (Bruce joined at 12.45pm.)


Apologies from Bruce that he would be late.

Conduct of meeting.
Confirmation of agenda.
Start/Finish times.
8.00am start Sunday.
5.30pm finish Sunday.

Reordering of items.

Items not being raised elsewhere to be added to the agenda.

Marketing Committee require clarification of the Executive's
decision on the DRAFT Manaku Standards.

2. Minutes.

Sign all outstanding Minutes.
May Executive meeting 25th, 26th & 27th.
June Conference Call  5th of June.
June Conference Call 13th of June.
June Conference Call 17th of June.
June Conference Call 22nd of June.
June Conference Call 25th of June.
It was agreed that the Chairman sign these approved minutes.

Confirmation of the June 25th Conference Call Minutes.

Russell Berry Moved, Terry Gavin Seconded, That the Chairman
be authorised to sign these Minutes as a true and accurate
record of that meeting. Motion Carried.

Matters arising from those minutes.

There were no matters arising.

3. Finance.

Terry Gavin Moved, Tony Taiaroa Seconded, That we move into
Committee. Motion Carried.

Terry Gavin Moved, Tony Taiaroa Seconded, That we move out
of Committee. Motion Carried.


Tony Taiaroa Moved, Terry Gavin Seconded, that the Executive
secretary is to contact the debt collectors re outstanding
levies for 1997. He is to report to the Executive within two
weeks time. Motion Carried.

Tony Taiaroa and Executive secretary are to write an article
for the Magazine re the Commodity Levy.

Tony Taiaroa and Executive secretary are to write an article
for the Magazine on the basis of voting entitlement of
members for the March 1999 issue.

Meeting Adjourned at 10.15am.
Meeting re convened at 10.35am.

Cheque numbers   500186 - 500200 000354 - 000357 May (25.4).

Terry Gavin Moved,  Tony Taiaroa Seconded, That the payments
made by the above Cheque numbers be approved
(all-inclusive). Motion Carried.

Cheques numbers  000358 - 000400 June (28.1).

Tony Taiaroa Moved, Keith Herron Seconded, That the payments
made by the above Cheque numbers be approved
(all-inclusive). Motion Carried.

Financial position.

The Executive secretary presented a Year to date report for
the first six months of 1998, which was received.

The Chairman presented a revised 1998 Budget with the Trust
dollars included (including the loan).

Russell Berry Moved, Terry Gavin Seconded, That we approve
the revised 1998 Budget. Motion Carried.

The Chairman is to present this to Conference.

Auditors Report NBA.

This report was received.

Russell Berry Moved, Tony Taiaroa Seconded, That the
Executive secretary establish what the NBA has possibly over
paid in taxation, for previous years after all the
deductible expenses have been revisited.

Motion Carried.

It was agreed that a cost centre be established for the

It was agreed that cost centres be established for the PMS
administration costs.

It was agreed the Executive need to visit the timing of the
financial year for the NBA, to better marry the relevant
dates due to the PMS.

The Executive secretary is to establish what are the
advantages for the NBA in belonging to Apimondia. He is to
report the outcome to the September Executive meeting.

Auditor's Report on the Trusts.

The Executive secretary is to seek a copy for the members'

Meeting adjourned at 12.25pm.

Meeting reconvened at 12.45pm.

Bruce joined the meeting at 12.45pm and was welcomed to the
meeting by the Chairman.

4. Reports from the following subcommittees.


Report received at the meeting but too late to discuss.
Executive secretary to copy this and pass to the Executive
at the end of the meeting today.

Manuka Standards.

A full discussion took place on the issue, this will be
addressed at the review meeting with the Marketing Chairman.

Don Bell Moved, Tony Taiaroa Seconded, That this debate be
left to lie upon the table for a future meeting. Motion

No Report received.

Export Certification Committee.
The Chairman briefed the meeting on the export of live bees
to the USA and updated the meeting on the slow progress of
this issue.

P.M.S. Review Committee.
Terry Gavin to report.
Terry said MAF RA was disappointed with the progress of the
Order in Council. Bruce Stevenson will give the PMS Report
to Conference.

Library Committee.
A report for Conference was received.

Publications Committee.
Tony Taiaroa to report.

Magazine Budget.

Allocation of the $28.00 from collection of the levy.

It was agreed that $28.00 from the first Apiary site is for
the magazine costs.

Profile magazine quotes (two quotes).
Brebner Print                           CHB Print.
500   = $4.63.                  $3.15.
1000 = $2.76.                   $2.00.
1500 = $2.13.                   $1.65.

Tony Taiaroa Moved, Terry Gavin Seconded, that when the
DRAFT has been approved we would accept the CHB quote and
print 1500 copies. Motion Carried.

Russell Berry Moved, Tony Taiaroa Seconded, That  we move
into Committee. Motion Carried.

Terry Gavin Moved, Tony Taiaroa Seconded, That we move out
of Committee. Motion Carried.

It was agreed that the Executive secretary would unsubscribe
from the NZ Beekeeper page.

The NBA had been placed on it without the permission of the
Executive. It was also agreed that Lin McKenzie and Bruce
Stevenson would be the E mail information receivers for this
source for the NBA.

It was agreed that the Executive would investigate the costs
associated with a Web Page for the NBA.

Meeting adjourned at 3.00pm.
Meeting reconvened at 3.15pm.

5. Executive issues.
Meeting venues and dates for 1998.

It was agreed that we would meet on the following dates and
following venues:

September meeting, 7th to 9th of September to be held in

December meeting, 7th to 9th of December to be held in

March 1999 meeting, 1st to 3rd of March 1999 to be held in Nelson.

Executive secretary is to write to the relevant Branches and
advise them that the Executive will be meeting in their
respective areas.

Review of Committees for September meeting.

The Chairman reminded the meeting that we need to look for
potential members for sub-committee which will be reviewed
at the September meeting.

Review of Marketing Facilitator performance.

It was agreed that all the Executive will meet with the
Facilitator and Marketing Committee Chairman between 1pm -
3.00pm tomorrow.

Auckland Members suggestion on investing Branch Funds

The Executive secretary is to write and thank the member for
the suggestion, but this was not a role for the Executive.

Advisor Status.

It was agreed the Executive secretary would send the weekly
pack to Keith Herron for the next three months, this is to
be reviewed at the September Executive meeting.

Health Insurance proposal.
No action required at this stage.

Post Conference Meeting time.
It was agreed that the Executive would meet at 9am on

Remits and Proposed Rule changes.
Two late Remits received.

Levies increase confirmation.
No action required at this stage.

Facilitator Contract.
This will be discussed at tomorrows meeting.

Election results.

The Returning Officer reported that two nominations had been
received for the two South Island seats, Mr. Lin McKenzie
and Mr. Tony Taiaroa. As there was two nominations for the
two positions no election was required for the South Island
positions. They would be duly elected the new Executive
members for the South Island.

Two nominations were received for the North Island position
and an election was required and the outcome of the election

Stevenson 742
Wallingford  360

Mr. Bruce Stevenson would be duly elected as the new North
Island member.

Legal action.

It was agreed that no further correspondence had been
received on this issue.

Privacy Officer.

A possible concern for the Executive was discussed.


A concern was raised about the neutrality of legal advice
received from our Associations lawyers.

Executive Meeting Minutes Copyright.

Executive secretary to place this issue on the September

Branch Meeting Minutes from all Branches.

The Executive had found the Minutes supplied by the B.O.P.
Branch had been enlightening and of considerable value to
the Executive and we would ask other Branches to submit
their minutes to NBA Executive to ensure a good flow of
information between Branches and Executive.

Executive Secretary's Contract. (47.4).
To confirm its signing.

It is to be noted that the 1998 - 1999 Contract with
Training In Progress has been approved by the Association
lawyers and signed by the President.

Performance Review (March and September).

The Chairman reminded the meeting that they needed to carry
out a six monthly review of the Administration Contractors

Returning Officer.
The Returning Officer Report on the second legal opinion.

Special meeting.
No action required at this stage.

Report on Canterbury Branch Honey Promotion.

A very impressive Promotion of honey was held and the Branch
should be congratulated on their effort.

The NBA President attended for two days at his own expense.

Consultants reports.

Lin briefed the meeting on this issue.

No information has been received from MAF RA to date.

Agriculture NZ Meeting in Christchurch. (28.7).

Tony briefed the meeting on this issue and asked to receive
any feed back.

Five ideas to improve the Industry image.
The Chairman briefed the meeting on his ideas.

Life Members.
No nominations were received.

Tony Taiaroa Moved, Keith Herron Seconded, That we move into
Committee. Motion Carried.

Tony Taiaroa Moved, Terry Gavin Seconded, That we move out
of Committee. Motion Carried.

This issue was well debated in an earlier part of the

6. Pollen importation.

The Executive secretary updated the meeting on the
prosecution of the alleged importation of pollen.

7. Imports and Exports.
Nothing to report.

8. Environmental Risk Management Agency (E.R.M.A.).
  No action required at this stage.

9. Border Control.
Nothing to report.

10. Clover Weevil.

Article to be published. Executive secretary to contact Mark
Goodwin for a report.

11. Apiary Register.
Discussion took place on this issue.

12. Outbreak Response. (OR) formerly (EDPR).
MAF RA will respond to all Exotic disease outbreaks.

13. AFB Report.
AFB Sniffer Dog update.
No progress at this stage.

AFB May Audit.

MAF have responded to this and are happy to provide results
from any area of NZ that the NBA would like to check on.

It was agreed that the Executive secretary would request the
outcomes of the Canterbury and Northland inspections.

MAF AFB Honey testing result (28.3).
Report received.

14. PMS.
Contracts options.

The Chairman advised the meeting that he believed that they
should keep all options at the moment.

DECA Trials.

The first trials with the Executive have been carried out
and were ready to run trial two before it is sent out to a
selected group of beekeepers for a bigger trial.

15. Trust Applications.

Russell Berry Moved, Tony Taiaroa Seconded, That the
Executive move into Committee. Motion Carried.

Terry Gavin Moved, Keith Herron Seconded, That we move out
of Committee. Motion Carried. Outcomes.

It was agreed that Executive secretary is to apply for the
$25,000 loan and the $7,500 granted to the PMS Review
Committee for educational components of the PMS.

Release of Trust decision to the public. (27.1).

It was agreed that the Executive secretary should write to
the Trustees pointing out the public airing of the Honey
Industry grant money was disappointing.

16. Branches.
Report from Auckland (27.7).
Report received.
Report from New Plymouth Amateur club (27.6).
Report received.

17. Conference.

Terry Gavin to give full update on Seminar and Conference

Conference goodwill. (Unity).

Terry Gavin reported everything is in place for a successful

18. IHEO.
Keith Herron to Report.
Keith to continue to report on this item.

19. Correspondence.

Terry Gavin Moved, Tony Taiaroa Seconded, That all inwards
correspondence not already dealt with is accepted as
received, and all out going correspondence is approved.
Motion Carried.

20. General Business.

A very big crop of honey was reported from the USA and
prices were not increasing.

Russell Berry Moved, Terry Gavin Seconded, That we move into
Committee. Motion Carried.

Terry Gavin Moved, Tony Taiaroa Seconded, That we move out
of Committee. Motion Carried.

The Honorary member  letter was received by the meeting.

Executive secretary to write and acknowledge the letter of
July 10th.

Russell Berry Moved, Keith Herron Seconded, That this letter
be left to lie upon the table. Motion Carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 6.40pm.
The meeting was reconvened at 8.15am.

Don Bell Moved Terry Gavin Seconded, That the letter from
the honorary member be lifted from the table. Motion

After discussion it was agreed that the Lin McKenzie and the
Executive secretary would reply to the writer. The Executive
secretary is to write to B Peterson asking that he modify
his comments.

Executive secretary is to set up a more efficient
correspondence register and to identify correspondence in
the pack more fully.


Terry Gavin to contact the minister on progress.

Terry said the DECA could geet underway but Government
inaction has stalled any progress. Bruce Stevenson commented
that the Review Committee were disappointed to be have been
left out after requesting that they be given the
responsibilities for assessing tenders, "the heat of the
debate may distort a final out come said Bruce".

Russell Berry reminded the meeting that the Executive has
the sole responsibility for letting Tenders (17/7/5/3).
Terry said in hindsight, that  it may have been wiser to
involve the review Committee and the Executive more closely.

The concern was expressed on the fragility of some members'
financial position in a poor year and perhaps the DECA's
were something we could get on with.

$740,000 worth of hives are burnt annually, the goal of
reducing this to $74,000 over the next ten years is at risk
for the $40,000 shortfall in funds. The question was asked
should we have two budgets? One for the MAF option and one
for the NBA option?

Bruce Stevenson asked who would be the "trouble shooters" or
top tier decision-makers under the NBA proposal? Who will
carry out the functions under the MAF proposal? There was
some discussion on the person's duties. the qualities,
general  practical knowledge required.

It was agreed that Russell Berry would attend the afternoon
PMS Committee meeting.

A review of the current DECA trail began. Where does the
information gathered go to? Should the DECA Form have some
indication of who has access to them?

The meeting was adjourned at 12.30pm, as another group
required the room.

The meeting was reconvened at 1.15pm.

Marketing Facilitator six monthly Review.

Tony briefed the meeting on the outcomes of this morning's
Marketing Committee meeting.

The concerns of the Facilitator not having a Contract was
aired and debated.

The Marketing Committee Chairman Neil Stuckey and the
Marketing Facilitator Bill Floyd were welcomed to the

Bill outlined some of the outcomes from the 1998 Marketing
Plan to date and where the opportunities were for the
balance of the year.

Russell Berry Moved, Tony Taiaroa Seconded, That we move
into Committee. Motion Carried.

Tony Taiaroa Moved, Terry Gavin Seconded, That we move out
of Committee. Motion Carried.

The mid-year review of the budget was talked through and the
Chairman said he had no concerns on the suggested re jigging
of the costs, but they would like to have a look at the
proposed changes before giving their approval. The largest
amount of dollars to be re allocated is $2,300.00.

The meeting re affirmed, that if the Marketing Committee
felt they needed to change the expenditure of each code
because an opportunity arose, they should not hesitate to
seek the approval of the Executive.

Manuka Honey Standards.

It was suggested that we wait and see what the JAG develops
in the way of Standards for Manuka Honey before the NBA
Marketing Committee allocates any more expenditure to this


It was agreed that the Marketing accounts will go to Neil
for approval, then on to the NBA Office for payment.

The question was asked how could the Executive assist Bill
in his role?

The issue of a Contract for Bill was raised as a priority
and needed addressing.

It was agreed that the Executive would meet with them both
at either the December 1998 or the March 1999 meeting.

Don Bell Moved, Russell Berry Seconded, That we accept the
revised Marketing budget as presented. Motion Carried.

A thank you was extended to Keith for the work he had
carried out on the Executive Committee, as this could be the
last Executive meeting he would attend for at least a year.

The Chairman thanked Bill and Neil for their time and valued

As there were no further items of general business the
Chairman thanked all the members for their input a declared
the meeting closed at 6.40pm.


Minutes from the National Beekeepers' Association of New Zealand
(Inc.) Executive meeting, held at the Copthorne Resort, Waitangi,
Bay Of Islands Friday 24th of July 1998 commencing at 9.00am.


Chairman Mr. Russell Berry, Vice Chairman Mr. Terry Gavin, Mr.
Don Bell, Mr. Tony Taiaroa, Mr. Lin McKenzie, Mr. Bruce
Stevenson, Mr. Keith Herron (no voting rights), Executive
secretary Mr. Harry Brown.

Welcome and call to order.

The Chairman welcomed all the members of the Executive to the
meeting and gave a special welcome to Mr. Bruce Stevenson and Mr.
Lin McKenzie, he said he was delighted to have them in the Team
and declared the meeting open at 9.10am.


No apologies.

Conduct of meeting.

Start/Finish times.

It was agreed that we would finish at 6.00pm.

Confirmation of agenda.

Appoint an I.H.E.O. Representative.

Terry Gavin Moved, Tony Taiaroa Seconded, That Mr. Keith Herron
be re appointed as the I.H.E.O. Representative for the NBA.

Motion Carried.

Need to review all Committees at the next meeting.

The President reminded the Executive to think carefully about
whom they could contact to be members of the 1998 1999 NBA

Need to review Administration Contractors performance at the
September Meeting (6 Monthly Review).

The President reminded the Executive that part of their
responsibilities was to review all Contractors performance. The
Executive secretary's performance will be reviewed at the
September meeting.

Need to re confirm dates for the new Executive to write "
Executive notes".
President to write the July article. (Done)
Lin to write the August 1998 article.
Terry to write the September article.
President to write October article.
Bruce to write the November article.
Tony to write the December article.
President to write the February 1999 article.
Don to write the March 1999 article.

Need to allocate Executive responsibilities for Branches.

Executive secretary to add this item to September agenda.

Remit outcomes and actions required.

Remit 1. Nelson Branch.

That this Conference recommends to the Executive that:
a) The role of the Executive Secretary be defined.
b) The job description of the Executive Secretary be defined.
c) The evaluation of performance of the Executive Secretary be
d) The length of term of appointment of the Executive Secretary
be defined.
e) The procedure for appointment and dismissal of the Executive
Secretary be defined.
f) The remuneration of the Executive Secretary be detailed.
g) All Branch Secretaries have a copy of the job description of
the Executive Secretary.

THE MOTION WAS LOST For 7 Against 9 Abstention 0

Executive responsible: N/A

Remit 2. Bay of Plenty Branch.

That this Conference recommends to Executive that a set of
written editorial standards are developed as soon as possible for
the New Zealand Beekeeper by a committee established for this
purpose, the committee to be made up of a cross-section of
association membership and current users of the magazine
(science/technical writers, columnists and advertisers), and that
these standards form part of a written performance contract for
the position of Editor of the New Zealand Beekeeper.

THE MOTION WAS LOST For 7 Against 8  Abstentions 1

Executive responsible: N/A

Remit 3. Canterbury Branch.

That this Conference recommends to the Executive that a full
review of the performance of the Executive secretary be
undertaken by an independent party.

THE MOTION WAS LOST For 4 Against 10 Abstentions 2

Executive responsible: N/A

Remit 4. Otago Branch.

That this Conference recommends to the Executive that, the
Executive secretary can not hold any other office or position in
the Association.


Executive responsible: N/A

Remit 5. Canterbury Branch.

That this Conference recommends to the Executive that the current
Editor of the New Zealand Beekeeper be removed and an independent
Editor be appointed.

THE MOTION WAS LOST For 3 Against 10 Abstentions 3

Executive responsible: N/A

Remit 6. Auckland Branch.

That this Conference recommend, that the Executive investigate
the use of drugs in honey producing hives with a view to having
all drugs banned.

THE MOTION WAS LOST For 4 Against 11 Abstentions 1

Executive responsible: N/A

Remit 7. Canterbury Branch.

That this Conference recommends to the Executive that the apiary
rating system be reviewed with a view to improvement where

THE MOTION WAS CARRIED For 12 Against 2 Abstentions 2

Executive responsible: To be placed on the September agenda

Remit 8. Southland Branch.

That this Conference recommends to the Executive that a standard
bee product trading agreement be developed for the industry.

THE MOTION WAS CARRIED For 13 Against 3 Abstention 0

Executive responsible: Request Branch input

Remit 9. Southland Branch.

That this Conference recommends to the Executive that if the
implementation of the P.M.S. in its current form is likely to add
more than $4.00. for each levied apiary in New Zealand, then an
alternative solution to A.F.B. elimination should be

THE MOTION WAS LOST For 4  Against 12 Abstention 0

Executive responsible: N/A

Remit 10. Southland Branch.

That this Conference recommends to the Executive that in the view
of the forthcoming implementation of the P.M.S. and Apiary
register, the structure of the N.B.A. should not be significantly
changed at this stage.

THE MOTION WAS CARRIED For 9 Against 5 Abstention 2

Executive responsible: N/A

Remit 11. Southland Branch.

That this Conference recommends to the Executive that they form a
committee to formulate a national code of practice for the
beekeeping industry, as a matter of urgency.

THE MOTION WAS LOST For 2 Against 14 Abstention 0

Executive responsible: Executive will ask the branches for input

Remit 12. South Canterbury Branch.

(Amended by Hawke's Bay)

That this conference recommends to the Executive that pressure be
maintained on government to retain and improve border protection
and surveillance for exotic bee disease detection and that
quarantine staff undertake training bi-annually a course in bees
and bee product risk items and funding be met by the taxpayer.

THE MOTION WAS CARRIED For 16 Against 0 Abstention 0

Executive responsible: The Chairman to write to Dr Jim Edwards

Remit 13. Bay Of Plenty Branch.

That this Conference recommends to the Executive that a honey
standard for Manuka honey be implemented in line with the
previous recommendations of the NBA Marketing Committee.


Executive responsible: N/A (we will wait on the Joint Action
Group outcomes)

Late Remit 1.

That this Conference recommends to the Executive that they take
over the running costs of the NZ Beekeeper page Internet Web

THE MOTION WAS CARRIED For 9 Against 6 Abstentions 1

Executive responsible: Lin and Bruce

General Business.

It was agreed to bring late Remit 1 back into the Executive
responsibilities for action. That this Conference recommends to
the Executive that they request the Government to pass
legislation prohibiting the feeding of honeyed water to bird life
and/or discourage the public from this activity.

Branch Remit meeting voting.

The Executive secretary is to contact all Branches for the number
of votes cast at their Remit meeting.  There were some concerns
as to the accuracy of the Poll vote as many delegates did not
know what the number of votes they were able to cast at the
Annual General Meeting.

Communication to Members.

It was agreed that the Executive secretary would investigate the
possibility of using electronic communication to communicate
(initially to the branches) and report on potential costs/savings
to the branches and the NBA and to report to the September

Cost cutting suggestions.
Subscription cost up 25%.
Advertising costs reduce by 5%.
Cancel Capitation.
Conference costs maximum $75.00 per bed.
Executive travel costs reduce by $5000
Postage tolls and faxes reduce by $5000
Printing and Stationery reduce by $5000
Cancel Apimondi Subscription  $1000
Cancel Export Certification budget $4000
Cost centres for the magazine
Review PMS Timeline
All Branches funds in the excess of $200.00 to be returned to the

Executive pack reduce by not sending out

SNI Newsletter
Packers Minutes and meeting advice
Branches and Clubs Newsletters
Hawke's Bay Fruit Growers Newsletter (Send to Allen Richards for
Kiwifruit News

Add to Executive packs.
Sub committee-meeting minutes.

Lawyer costs and expertise.

The Executive secretary is to contact the Federated Farmers
Lawyers to see if they have the necessary expertise for our
industry requirements.

PMS Implementation.

Bruce Stevenson Moved, Tony Taiaroa Seconded, That a team,
including members of the Review Committee are to evaluate,
negotiate and report to the Executive on the priorities,
timelines, and cost of implementing the NBA PMS at year ending
31st December 1998, 31st December 1999, and the year ending 31st
December 2000. Motion Carried.

The initial report to be presented to the September Executive

As there were no further items of general business, the Chairman
thanked all for their input and declared the meeting closed at

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