NATIONAL BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION OF NEW ZEALAND INC MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING OF THE NATIONAL BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION OF NEW ZEALAND INC HELD IN THE OFFICES OF FEDERATED FARMERS NEW ZEALAND INC, AGRICULTURE HOUSE, 12 JOHNSTON STREET, WELLINGTON ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY 28 AND 29 JUNE 2000 COMMENCING AT 10.30 AM ON THURSDAY 28 JUNE 2000. PRESENT Mr T Gavin (President in the Chair) Mrs J Lorimer, Messrs, L McKenzie, T Taiaroa, S C Goodman (Executive Secretary) and T Leslie. In Attendance: Messrs, P Cropp & R Hatfield (Executive Elect) President Terry Gavin welcomed all to the meeting and welcomed incoming executive members Phillip Cropp and Richard Hatfield to the meeting as observers. APOLOGIES D Bell. S Goodman (Thursday) MEETING TIMES It was agreed that the meeting times would adjourn at 5.30pm on the Wednesday. Start at 8.30am on Thursday and finish at 4.30pm. MINUTES Minutes of the Executive Meeting held May 15 & 16 2000 were accepted as a record of the meeting with the alteration of Crown Kerr in place of McKenzie Thornton on page 8. Lorimer / Taiaroa CARRIED There were no matters arising. A discussion was held on when the notices for the 2000 AGM went out. Mr Leslie was instructed to check o0and ensure that they went to all Branch Chairmen and Secretaries in the mail of 28 June Waikato Rule Change "That the Waikato Branch suggested rule change be referred back to them asking them to bring it back next year with a more in depth rationale." Taiaroa / McKenzie CARRIED Reports PMS Committe The PMS Committees Annual Report was tabled at 11.30am. It was decided that to give the Executive more time to "digest" the report that a lunch adjournment be called and that the meeting would reconvene at 1.00pm. Meeting reconvened at 1.00pm A full discussion was held on the draft report. It was decided that some changes were required to better reflect periods of reporting so that the report compared "apples with apples". Figures should be extrapolated to compare periods. It was also felt that the Varroa outbreak should be mentioned. Mainly to explain changes in activity for the period April - July 2000. There were also questions about the required 200 Authorised Persons and whether this had been achieved. "The Secretary to write to branches and request names of people, preferably who have sat the Disease Recognition Exam, prepared to be an Authorised Person for the AFB PMS." Lorimer / Taiaroa CARRIED Publications Mr McKenzie reported that questions raised at the last meeting about Crown Kerrs ability to deliver magazines to NZ Post ready for distribution have been answered. They can handle our request. There is still some work to progress on the idea of a part time editor. Mr McKenzie will report back after the AGM. Marketing No Report. Field days had gone well at Mystery Creek. Execuitve Secretary Discussion held on the future of this position with Mr Goodman and Mr Leslie. "That the NBA approve Mr T Leslie as the Executive Secretary from June 28 2000." Lorimer / McKenzie Audited 1999 Accounts A brief discussion was held on the final accounts. End result was better than expected - just. "The 1999 Audited Accounts be approved" Lorimer / McKenzie Budget 2000 It was agreed that Mrs. Lorimer will discuss this item at the AGM. Standing Orders These will have to be addressed by the incoming Executive. Meeting adjourned at 5.15pm and reconvened at 9.15am on Thursday June 29. PMS Review It was agreed that after further discussion overnight that "The Secretary write to the Minister of Agriculture and request a 2 week extension to gather better statistics." Lorimer / Taiaroa CARRIED The upcoming PMS Contract was discussed. Due to the commercially sensitive nature of discussion; "That the discussion on PMS Contract be held in Committee" Taiaroa / Lorimer CARRIED Much work to be done, but things are fluid at the moment with varroa. "That we move out of Committee" Lorimer / Taiaroa CARRIED "The Executive accept the draft report of the PMS Committee and the negotiation of a new contract with AgriQuality" Taiaroa / McKenzie CARRIED Adjourned for Lunch at 12.15pm. Messrs Kay, Dickinson and Berry, Honey Indusrty Trust Trustees joined the Committee for Lunch. Meeting reconvened at 1.00pm Trust The Trustees were presented with a scenario for funding that involved a total of $29,000. These were considered to be one off, extraordinary expenses that the NBA felt fitted within the Trusts funding parameters. The Trustees agreed that the Executive Secretary would make application to the Trust for this assistance. The Trustees retired from the meeting at 1.45pm. AGM Mr Leslie tabled an email from Mr N Wallingford questioning the timing of AGM notices. "The Secretary fax another copy of the Agenda and Rule Changes to Branch Secretaries and ask that it be distributed to all members as soon as possible" Lorimer / Taiaroa Carried The meeting also requested that the Secretary bring to the AGM a copy of the rules registered earlier this year. Varroa The meeting felt that a formal feeling of where the industry was at with regard eradication or control was required. Most branches had canvassed their members. It was decided to hold two conference calls on Friday June 30. A South Island call at 10am and a North Island call at 10.45am. Branch Chairmen and Secretaries would be invited to participate and give a felling form their respective branch to the following: "Are you, yourself and branch willing to accept the impact of a Varroa eradication process" "That these two calls take place tomorrow and the Secretary arrange a notice to all branches this afternoon" Lorimer / McKenzie CARRIED Tony St Clair, CEO of Federated Farmers Joined the Meeting. A discussion was held on the pros and cons of eradication: Pros: Cost benefit to NZ economy Maintain pollination at reasonable cost and level Drug free status would be retained Feral population would be maintained Long term social cost minimised Increase in PMS compliance Cons: Risk of failure Destruction of bees Non compliance Emotional stress Cost of compensation Accounts "That payments be ratified and approved" Lorimer / Taiaroa CARRIED Varroa fighting Fund Any money that has come in so far to be held in the Varroa Reserve fund that has been set up within the accounting system. Mr Leslie reported that this separate code is in place and this is where code all expense and income related to Varroa. Privacy Commissioner No further action Executive Funding to Branches for the AGM "That we will accept an application from branches for one half of one return airfare to Gisborne." McKenzie / Taiaroa CARRIED The President thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 4.40pm
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