Minutes of the Executive Committee meeting held Saturday 28 October 2000 at the offices of Federated Farmers of New Zealand (Inc), Armagh Court, Christchurch, commencing at 8.40am. Meeting No 2, 2000/2001 Present: - Richard Hatfield, (President), Don Bell (Vice President), Terry Gavin, Lin McKenzie, Jane Lorimer and Philip Cropp. Tim Leslie (Executive Secretary). The President welcomed all to the meeting and established that there was a quorum. Apologies - nil. Minutes of Executive Meeting held September 19, 2000 were confirmed. L McKenzie/D Bell Carried No matters arising. Actions 1.7.1 - Bad Debt. Work continues on collection. "If all bad debt is collected by the next levy setting round, a 5% reduction in levy will be applied to the next levy." L McKenzie/P Cropp Carried Action 1.7.2 - Allowable Executive Expenses. Richard Hatfield has supplied to Tim Leslie who will pass to Jane Lorimer. Action 1.7.3 - Mileage rates. Still work to complete. State Services Commission and IRD to be contacted for rulings by Jane Lorimer. Until a "new: level is set, the finance committee to recommend a fair and reasonable level. Action 1.7.4 - Honey Statistics. Tim Leslie reported that once the NBA has them from the Statistics Dept, they are the NBA's to do with as they like. "People and companies wanting statistics to pay $100.00 + GST per year. A notice to this effect to be placed in November 2000 Beekeeper." J Lorimer/L McKenzie Carried Action 1.7.5 - Signed off and complete. Action 1.9.1 - Tim Leslie has written to the officer and awaits a response. Action 8.1.1 - Signed off. Action 8.1.3 - Philip Cropp still working on. Action 8.1.4 - Tim Leslie meeting Trustee next week. Action 8.1.5 - Philip Cropp working on with Bill Floyd. Action 8.1.6 - Deferred to November 2000. Correspondence "Inwards accepted and outwards approved." J Lorimer/D Bell Carried Reports PMS Terry Gavin reported on progress with the PMS After discussion the following remits were moved: - "If a portfolio holder has a person decline committee membership or a member resigns, the portfolio holder 'in consultation with the committee' is to make an appointment to fill the vacancy and to bring to the next Executive meeting for ratification." D Bell/L McKenzie Carried Terry Gavin reported on the success of the Authorised Person training although in some branches everyone who wanted to, couldn't attend. "The NBA Executive acknowledge the excellent job that AgriQuality did with the AP training courses and extends the Committees congratulations." D Bell/L McKenzie Carried Terry Gavin also reported that some branches are not willing to undertake the AFB surveillance. "If a branch does not wish to undertake surveillance work for the AFB PMS work, the Executive will appoint an AP in the area concerned." J Lorimer/D Bell Carried "AP's must be fully compliant with all aspects of NBA's work." L McKenzie/P Cropp Carried Communications - L McKenzie reported on progress. Meeting recessed at 10.15am for a discussion with Floyd Marketing (Bill and Sandie) to mainly discuss the NBA's submission to the Royal Commission on Genetic Modification submission. The Main points agreed were: - A time limited moratorium on open research. End products must be GM free. Research allowed in a closed environment. Mandatory labelling of GM goods. Annual review of committee set up to assess the moratorium. It was agreed that ethical considerations are paramount. A brief discussion was also held on ANZFA submissions. Due to concerns about some statements from Mr R Law it was moved: - Action 2.7.1 "That the NBA makes a statement disassociating the Association from Mr Law's position." D Bell/P Cropp Carried Meeting reconvened at 11.25am. Compliance - Richard Hatfield Work proceeding on follow-up on ADR's and COI's. As the NBA has still had no formal reply from MAF regarding the list of under reported apiaries. There is still follow up to happen. Action 2.7.2. "Executive Secretary to write to MAF and request an understanding of why prosecutions can't proceed or get on with progressing prosecutions." T Gavin/D Bell Carried At this stage, 11.35am, meeting suspended to discuss with Mr G Mavromatis, the progress on the NBA's Sustainable Farming Fund application. It was decided to do some targeted lobbying to let the "right" people know that NBA has an application in. An article will be placed in Beekeeper as well. Action 2.8.1. Make application to Trust for seeding money of $10,000 for the Sustainable Farming Fund and $100,000 to underwrite the project. Action 2.8.2. Lin McKenzie to draw up Terms of Reference for SFF steering committee and approach regional representatives to be delegates for regional representation. Action 2.8.3. Lin McKenzie, Richard Hatfield and Tim Leslie to work on a contract for Mr G Mavromatis. "That Lin McKenzie be sponsor of the SFF Project and that Mr G Mavromatis be appointed Project Manager, subject to funding and that the committees be formed." D Bell/T Gavin Carried "That the Executive extends their thanks to Lin McKenzie for the excellent work getting the SFF project off the ground." J Lorimer/P Cropp Carried The meeting broke for lunch at 12.30pm and Trevor Corbett; Secretary of Canterbury Branch NBA joined the Executive for lunch. Meeting reconvened at 1.20pm and returned to item 7 - reports. Compliance - continued Action 2.7.3. Terry Gavin to discuss with PMS Operations Committee and Nelson Branch the issue of AD training for those who wish to participate but haven't yet had the opportunity. Environment - J Lorimer Jane Lorimer reported that work in progress is the GM Royal Commission correspondence from Forest and Bird re Argentine Ant and monitoring of ANZFA. . Will notify Federated Farmers who our Portfolio holders are and will also approach branches for an environment representative. Exotics - T Gavin Terry Gavin reported on progress with exotic surveillance. Has had discussions with Roger Polland, MAF. Terry Gavin concerned that surveillance budget is only $100k per annum. To ensure major sampling is done, beekeepers should be contracted to undertake. It was noted that the "Draft Standard for Surveillance of Diseases of Honey Bees" indicates in appendix one, item 3, that under the OIE Animal Health Code - mammals, birds and bees (special edition 1997 Appendix Sanitary Control) there is an instruction for "rapid eradication of any outbreak of a contagious disease." Actions: Action 2.7.4. Richard Hatfield to raise concerns the NBA has with the "Draft Standards." Action 2.7.5. Tim Leslie to request under the official information act, the original terms of reference, what the exercise cost, and the results of the bee response exercise held Pukekohe 1999. In addition the results/actions from the debrief and also results of testing export package bees from Auckland and Waikato in 1998. Action 2.7.6. Tim Leslie and Terry Gavin to write to Roger Polland to discuss the NBA's minimum requirements for surveillance. Finance - Jane Lorimer Jane Lorimer reported on current situation. Slightly better than anticipated at this stage. The Executive Secretary is working on bad debts and these are being actively chased now. Jane Lorimer noted that the Honey Trust loan instalments and interest had been paid for this year. There were no extraordinary items to report. "That the Executive expenses by paid." J Lorimer/D Bell Carried Exports - Philip Cropp The Export committee is keen to get things rolling and discuss issues to ease export certification. Philip Cropp notes that there is more new documentation to come through. The Executive expressed concern at new rules for EU testing and costs. Action 2.7.7. NBA to write to MAF (cc to Barry O'Neil) stating our extreme discomfort with the potential for another level of compliance for Authorised Persons in that NBA AP's cannot participate for export needs. Action 2.7.8. NBA to write to MAF and tell them that the NBA will not be paying for EU testing and any past memos of understanding are now withdrawn. The letter to be published in first available Beekeeper Magazine. Governance - Richard Hatfield Next step is to send out constitutions and terms of reference for the committee. Marketing - Philip Cropp Working on clarifying status of trademark issues for manuka. The marketing Committee needs to clarify who owns and can use research and intellectual property and to sort out the enzyme honey trademark and testing issues. Support - Lin McKenzie Main work has been Sustainable Farming Funding. Will have to chase up on an article about Murray Auld in the Beekeeper. Murray Auld is the Rural Support Co-ordinator. Varroa - Don Bell "The NBA Varroa Advisory Committee be made up of the Regional Representatives." D Bell/J Lorimer Carried Action 2.7.9. Contact MAF and ask about the posters for ports and request they be up in seven days. Action 2.7.10 Re contract D Belton to clarify the unwanted status of varroa. "The NBA representatives on the Varroa Management Group be Richard Hatfield, Don Bell and Tim Leslie." L McKenzie/J Lorimer Carried Executive Secretary (attached) General Business "NBA approve the membership of all the standing committees." P Cropp/D Bell Carried "NBA members requesting to be Authorised Persons must have at least 3 years recorded experience in beekeeping and at least 3 years continuous compliance to have AP Status and to maintain AP Status they must maintain full compliance." T Gavin/L McKenzie Carried Approval of Committee Terms of Reference - passed to November 2000 meeting. Strategic Plan - under control. Privacy case - progressing. Has cost $1200 to date. "All Committees, Branches, Executive, portfolio holders and other organisational units shall report quarterly activity in the Beekeeper during the following quarter. Quarters = calendar quarter, i.e. March, June, September, December." P Cropp/T Gavin Carried ADR and COI non-compliance. Tim Leslie reported that he had received a list of beekeepers non-complying with ADR requirements. During November they will be written to. AgriQuality Action 2.8.1. Executive Secretary to contact Murray Reid and thank him for his full report and request that it goes in Beekeeper. Library Mrs Taiaroa currently transferring Library Account trustees. "Signatories to Library Account be the Executive Secretary and C Taiaroa - one of." P Cropp/T Gavin Carried Crown Kerr Lin Mc Kenzie to circulate new contracts to the Executive for discussion. Minister of Agriculture's letter regarding a review of Commodity Levy system. - referred to compliance committee. Apiary database access agreement. - refer to Terry Gavin and PMS application committee. Meeting closed at 5.30pm.
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