Minutes of the National Beekeepers Association of New Zealand (Inc) Executive Meeting 07 held at the offices of Federated Farmers of New Zealand (Inc.), Johnston St, Wellington on 11 May 2001 commencing at 8.40am 1. Introduction/Welcome Present: - Richard Hatfield - President in the chair, Don Bell, Terry Gavin, Jane Lorimer, Philip Cropp and Tim Leslie, Executive Secretary. Apology received for lateness from Lin McKenzie. A quorum was confirmed. 2. Minutes of Executive meeting 6 held April 5 & 6 2001. "The minutes and actions of meeting 6 be reviewed" Philip Cropp / Jane Lorimer CARRIED Actions from Minutes: Action 6.1 - Communications/Web Page Lin McKenzie given the go ahead to do what is required. Working on and will report with portfolio report. Action 6.2 - EU Testing Monies Tim Leslie to contact AgriQuality and determine if they have the NBA's correspondence regarding the period August 2000 - March 2001 and then invoice them for an indicative amount of $16,000.00 with a 30-day payment. If the account is not paid by the 30 days, Mike Smith will be asked to handle it. The previous account to be handed to Mike Smith. AgriQuality have paid the first invoice. Some dispute about the balance that the NBA feels is owed. Executive Secretary still progressing the issue. Action 6.3 - AgriQuality Offshore consultancy Also agreed that the Executive Secretary write to the Minister of Trade and point out NBA displeasure and copy to the Beekeeper and opposition party spokespeople. Awaiting response to letters. Action 6.4 - Beekeeper Business Skills Lin McKenzie to prepare a submission to the Trust for funds for a support programme. Still working on Trust application as effort has gone into the Sustainable Farming Fund application. Action 6.5 - AGM Tim Leslie to draft rule changes for May meeting. Action 6.6 - Federated Farmers Contract Executive members to supply to Philip Cropp or Richard Hatfield thoughts for the management contract. A meeting has been held. It will be finalised by the NBA Conference. Action 6.7 - Contractual issues re PMS Terry Gavin and Executive Secretary to work on by April 30. Executive to detail issues with AgriQuality to Tim Leslie so that an urgent meeting can be held with the AgriQual hierarchy to get the relationship back on track. Executive Secretary has written to the Chairman PMS Operations Cttee offering assistance. Action 7.1 Terry Gavin to work with the PMS Ops Ctte and have a draft contract by May 25. Action 6.8 - 2001/02 PMS Contract Terry Gavin to ensure the PMS Operations Committee starts work on the 2001/02 PMS Contract Specifications now. Action 7.2 "Terry Gavin to put the contract template as per the 2000template, to the PMS operations Committee and stress that this is the direction the Executive wishes the committee to take i.e. performance based. If they (Cttee) don't like the directive, they are to be asked to consider their position The contract to be ready by 31 May 2001." Philip Cropp / Don Bell CARRIED Action 6.9 - Library "Lin McKenzie proceed with purchase of relevant computer technology for the NBA Library" Jane Lorimer / Philip Cropp Carried The project specifications are being drawn up. Action 6.10 - Promotion/Marketing "Marketing Committee look at setting up a self funding page on the NBA Website as a reference for Manuka honey suppliers and other bee products" Philip Cropp / Jane Lorimer Carried Should be in place by the end of May 2001. Action 6.11 - Marketing projects Philip Cropp to progress with all haste the convening of the Marketing Committee so that the two projects are progressed and the governance/management issues for the Committee are sorted out. Will be reporting good progress in the Marketing report. Action 6.12 - Marketing Committee/HRU relationship Philip Cropp to review the marketing committee and HRU's objectives and report back to the Executive with the appropriate Terms of Reference. Continuing. Another meeting is scheduled. Action 6.13 - Research money for Varroa Don Bell and Tim Leslie to draft a letter to the Group Director Animal Biosecurity (with a copy to the Minister) seeking clarification of the research situation. This relates to the research money allocation of money. There is a perception that was money cut from $900k to $400k. It has been clarified that as long as the $ are committed, the money will be available. Action 7.3 Don Bell to write to Simon Peacy and explain. Action 6.14 - Extension services Don Bell and the VAOC to take a long-term view for setting up an education service and other apicultural opportunities, including the apiary register, with a view to tendering for services from MAF. Further the structure to be agreed by mid May 2001. This is underway Will report in Varroa report. Meeting adjourned for morning tea at 10.00am. Richard Hatfield excused himself for an hour. Meeting reconvened at 10.15am with Don Bell in the Chair. Matters Arising: The booklet Robert's Rules of Order has been sent to all branch chairmen. Executive Secretary asked to send correspondence to both the Chairman and Secretary of Branches. "That the minutes of NBA meeting 06 be approved" Lin McKenzie / Jane Lorimer CARRIED 3 Correspondence: Inwards 09/04/01 - 10/05/01 16/04/01 - D McGowan - Levy 16/04/01 - ERMA - Updates 18/04/01 - MAF - Treatment of Varroa 17/04/01 - Hawkes Bay Branch - New officers & balance sheet 14/04/01 - Southland NBA - Clarification of Field Day expenses 18/04/01 - MAF - NCDI Proposals 18/04/01 - MAF - Biosecurity Stakeholder Working Groups Terms of Reference 19/04/01 - M Auld - Quarterly Report 19/04/01 - Environment Waikato - Draft annual Plan 26/04/01 - SF Fund - Acknowledgement 30/04/01 - Crown Kerr - Magazine postage 01/05/01 - MAF - Varroa Compensation Information 04/05/01 - S Booker - Video sales of Royal Commission 04/05/01 - Waikato Branch NBA - Concerns re varroa and remit policy 04/05/01 - D Kour - Fiji - Request for general info. 07/05/01 - MAF - More on Biosecurity Strategy Council 09/05/01 - Ferrier Hodgson - Qantas NZ Receivership 09/05/01 - Hon J Sutton - Acknowledgement 10/05/01 - Hon M Burton - Acknowledgement Outwards - 9/04/01 - 10/05/01 09/04/01 - Standing and Advisory Cttee Chairmen - Reminder about reporting 10/04/01 - Hon W Cooper - Invite to AGM 10/04/01 - Hon p Hodgson - Invite to AGM 18/04/01 - D McGowan - Levy 18/04/01 - Various Beekeepers - Levy deferral 19/04/01 - AgriQuality - DECA Mediator 19/04/01 - Hon J Sutton - Invite to AGM 26/04/01 - Branches - Notice of election result 26/04/01 - O'Brien, Martin, Bell - Election result 01/05/01 - Hon M Burton - Offshore consultancy worries 01/05/01 - Hon J Sutton - Offshore consultancy worries 01/05/01 - AgriQual - Southland concerns 03/05/01 - M Bush - Next years PMS Contract 04/05/01 - AgriQuality - Offshore consultancy worries 4/05/01 - Branch Chairmen - Budget Issues & Exec Vacancies 10/05/01 - Rt. Hon H Clark - Invite to AGM "Inwards be accepted and outwards approved" Don Bell / Lin McKenzie CARRIED 4 Finance Situation at 31 March 2001: Invoiced 2001 686,558 A/R for levies @ 31/12/00 187,856 874,414 AR @ 31/03/01 471,408 Paid or written off 403,006 Doubtful debts w/off -55,181 Stat Decs w/off -108,798 No longer reg etc w/off -28,857 Rcvd 210,170 Deferrals approved: A total of 36 beekeepers had deferrals approved for the year. The total involved is $90,694 (20% of total = $137,295). Instalment totals: 1st 26,182 2nd 28,919 3rd 21,962 4th 13,629 Discussion held on the merits of levy reduction as approved last month. It was agreed that the Executive needs to discuss this more widely with the membership. The apiaries register and write offs of those claiming they haven't had bees for several years were also discussed. Action 7.4 Executive Secretary to advise compliance committee of proposal for levy reduction if income targets are met. Action 7.5 Executive Secretary to progress with Philip Cropp his issue about apiary register inaccuracies concerning his businesses. "The Executive approve actions taken writing off doubtful debts and Statutory Declarations to date" Lin McKenzie / Jane Lorimer CARRIED "The Executive authorise the Executive Secretary to write off Statutory Declarations that are clearly not recoverable" Jane Lorimer / Philip Cropp CARRIED Richard Hatfield returned to the meeting and assumed the chair at 11.00am The Federated Farmers invoice for the first quarter 2001 was discussed. There is some question about the hours being charged. Action 7.6 Jane Lorimer to work with Federated Farmers and validate the account. Action 7.7 Executive Secretary to start forwarding a copy of the monthly summary to Ian Berry, member of Finance Advisory Committee. Philip Cropp recorded that he is working with Floyd Marketing to determine the detail of their final account. A question was also raised about deferral requests to the President. It was restated that if people in hardship are applying they must supply the full facts of their case to the President. Annual Report Executive Secretary will merge the portfolio reports into one document and forward the first draft to the President further editing/approval. 5 Portfolio Reports Portfolio: Executive Member President: Richard Hatfield AFB PMS: Terry Gavin Communications: Lin McKenzie Compliance: Richard Hatfield Environment: Jane Lorimer Exotics: Terry Gavin Export: Philip Cropp Finance: Jane Lorimer Governance: Richard Hatfield Marketing: Philip Cropp Support: Lin McKenzie Varroa: Don Bell President: Decided that even if a full turn out is not possible, the governance committee will meet in the next month. The Executive Secretary is still following up with advice on people to employ as an investigator and prosecutor for enforcement of the PMS. The NBA's investigator will need to be an AP1 so that they can fulfil the NBA's requirements and obligations properly. This person will need to be A1 at collating and preparing evidence. Action 7.8 Exec. Sec. To write to PMS Operations Committee and ask how they're responding to the audit of the PMS and AP training. AFB PMS: Discussion on general compliance issues. The DECA Policy to put in the first available Beekeeper. Meeting adjoined for lunch at 12.45pm Meeting reconvened at 1.15pm. A quorum was established. The President welcomed Glen Neal and Cherie Flynn who discussed progress with Animal Products Act and MAF Food issues. Meeting reconvened at 2.30pm. Finance: Action 7.9 By the end of May 2001, portfolio holders to identify the broad cost of, and type of capital projects for their respective areas for the next three years. Library: Discussion on the merits of the NBA Librarian attending the conference. Consensus agreed that Mrs Taiaroa is to attend the 2001 Conference in her capacity as Librarian and to have a stand at the conference to publicise the library and its services. Environment: Issues around Animal Products Act to work on. "That $1000 seeding money be allowed for the Environment Committee to get the work required underway." Jane Lorimer / Don Bell CARRIED Exotics: At last the meeting with MAF and interested parties is to happen next week - 16/05/01 Exports Issues being grappled with are the need for reporting honey sales statistics to the membership and there seems to be some ambiguity in the way AgriQuality is interpreting export protocols for live bees to Canada. Action 7.10 Export Committee to set a method of reporting honey price statistics to membership. Action 7.11 Export Committee to gather some information about export protocols so that the Executive Secretary can write to the relevant authorities. Marketing: A good productive meeting was held on May 10. John Rawcliff will attend the Conference and present the Quality Mark to the membership. "The draft Marketing Plan and Draft Quality Mark Standards plan be progressed with the money currently allocated and that J Rawcliff be placed on a six month contract." Philip Cropp / Don Bell CARRIED Support: The SFF project application is now at stage two. We await the result.. Action 7.12 A Support Committee be in place by June meeting. Varroa: Action 7.13 That Don Bell & Exec. Sec write to MAF and request the Terms of Reference and Project Management Plan for the two year 7.6 Varroa Management Plan. Action 7.14 Don Bell & Exec. Sec write to MAF and seek assurance that the NBA will have equal opportunity to tender for bee related contracts. Executive Secretary: Letter from Waikato Branch expressing concern about Varroa management tool costs after a bad season and the remit policy. The Varroa concern was referred to the Varroa Committee. Action 7.15 Write to branches and outline that the remit policy is designed to aid discussion by giving priority to on time remits and ensure that sensible debate is held. Mr Cropp retired from the meeting to catch an aeroplane at 4.15pm. Action 7.16 Exec. Sec to work with PMS Compliance Committee to withdraw DECA's from those who are non-compliant with particular interest in those who have not progressed through the system if they sat an exam prior to June 2000. Discussion of a general nature on bad debts. The Executive Secretary will progress with the solicitor by the end of the month and ask the accounts people to identify aged debts on accounts reports. General Committee Business: Don Bell raised a concern about the lack of information on customs entry cards regarding bees and apiary products in general. He has discussed with Mark Goodwin who is to work on this for the NBA - at no cost - and progress with customs and MAF. 6 Rule Changes Rule Changes to consider for the 2001 AGM: Prepared by the 2000/01 Executive: Rule 16: The Executive. (The Executive becomes a Board and all reference in the Rules of the Association to Executive is changed to read National Board) (a) Amend to: The National Board shall consist of eight (8) persons who are either members of the Association or the representatives of corporations which are members, four being resident in the North Island and four being resident in the South Island. One member of the National Board from each Island shall be a branch chairman whose major role on the Board will be to act as Branch liaison people for their respective islands. They shall be elected to the National Board by branch delegates at the Annual Conference of Branch Delegates held in conjunction with the Associations Annual General Meeting. Rationale: There is always an issue in the Association that the branches are not informed. By having Branch Liaison people on the Board to act as a conduit for information this should help alleviate the perceived problem. (b) Amend to: The members of the National Board shall hold office for two years, commencing at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting following their election and shall at the expiration of their terms be eligible for re-election unless in the case of the two branch chairmen they have ceased to be a branch chairman. (h) Amend to: 5 members shall constitute a quorum. (k) NEW POSITION: At it's first meeting immediately after the Associations Annual General Meeting, the National Board shall appoint from one of its membership a Treasurer who will be responsible for the oversight of the Associations finances for the ensuing year. Now superseded by Richards proposals. Rule 24: Operation of Branches: (f)New Rule: Branches to report a summary of their activities to the National Board quarterly in April, July, October and September. Rationale: As the Branches are part of the consolidated operations of the Association, quarterly reporting will enable the Board to maintain complete oversight of the Associations affairs. Now superseded by Richards proposals. Prepared by Nick Wallingford PROPOSED RULE CHANGE 1: Rule 16(a) currently reads: "The Executive shall consist of six persons who are either members of the Association or the representatives of corporations which are members, three being resident in the North Island and three in the South Island." The proposed rule change is to insert the following parenthetical expression after the words "six persons": "(or fewer than six if the Executive chooses to not appoint a replacement Executive member in the event of a casual vacancy)" RATIONALE: In recent years, the Executive has chosen to operate with fewer than six members, by not appointing replacements for casual vacancies. This proposed rule change would bring the rules (or at least the expressed intention of the rules) in line with recent practices of the Executive. PROPOSED RULE CHANGE 2: Rule 17(c)(vii) currently reads "Forwarding to Branches copies of minutes and reports of meetings of the Association and the Executive, to be within 14 days of such meetings being held." The proposed rule change is to delete the phrase "to be within 14 days of such meetings being held". RATIONALE: This change would revert the wording of the rule to that in place prior to 1998 when the rule was amended. It is not the practice of the Executive to provide the minutes within 14 days of the meeting, so this proposed to change is to bring the rules in line with the current practice of the Association. Rule Changes from Richard Hatfield 15 Elected Officers The following officers shall be elected by Annual General Meeting of the Association from the members of the executive elected or appointed for the next term of office following the AGM: 1. President 2. Vice President 3. Honorary Treasurer 15a. President The President shall preside over all matters of the association including Executive meetings, general meeting, special general meetings and other meetings as determined by the Executive. The President shall have the powers of committing the association to agreements, proceedings or actions in consultation with the Executive. The executive may direct the president only if all members of the executive vote unanimously for that direction. The President shall be responsible for ensuring that the association maintains legal compliance with current legislation and shall be responsible for all legal matters. The president shall consult with the Vice President and honorary treasurer in all matters of a financial and legal nature. The President shall be the nominal holder of the Common Seal. The Executive Secretary shall report to the President. 15b Vice President The Vice President shall act in support of the role of President in all matters and shall be an advisor to the president. The Vice President will assume the powers of the President if the president is: a. Officially absent as declared by the President in writing to the Executive Secretary b. In an emergency, is unavailable for a period of at least 48 hours by normal communication means. Any decision or commitment shall require the ratification of at least two other executive members in writing to the Executive Secretary. 15c Honorary Treasurer The Honorary treasurer shall have the powers over all of the associations finances to direct and manage them within the Policies set by Annual General Meeting or other General Meeting. Also they shall coordinate the activities of the Auditors and direct officers of the association to comply with reasonable auditor requests. The Honorary treasurer shall ensure that Legal compliance to the financial requirements of current legislation. The Honorary Treasurer shall also be responsible for conducting any investigation involving financial impropriety. 15d Removal from Office of Elected Officers The Elected Officer can only be removed from office if: a. The Elected Officer does not remain a member of the association or is in default of any undisputed payment to the association. b. That a 75% majority of a general meeting votes on a motion to remove the Elected Officer. c. In the unanimous opinion of the executive members the Elected Officer has acted in a manner that would bring the association into disrepute or render the association liable for civil or criminal action. In such cases the Elected Officer can request and it shall be granted independent binding mediation at the expense of the association. d. The Elected Officer is convicted of any offence (Civil or Criminal) that relates to statutory instruments related to Beekeeping. 15e Election of Elected Officers The election of Elected Officers of the Executive shall be at a convened General meeting (annual or special in the case of removal) will be by simple majority and where there is a tie then a revote shall take place until a majority is achieved. If an elected Officer is removed during their period of office then the Executive Secretary shall hold a ballot of members in accordance with the rule 15f Council of Elected Officers The Council of Elected officers shall be responsible for the overall direction of the association working with the wider executive members in the implementation of the policies, procedures of the association. The Council may make decisions on behalf of the association subsequently ratified by the Executive at a normally nominated meeting. 15g Executive Portfolio Holders Each member of the Executive excluding the President shall be responsible for portfolios determined from time to time being required to operate the association. The Portfolio Holders shall be accountable to the Executive for their portfolio and report to the executive at every meeting. Each portfolio holder will prepare a report to the membership as a part of the annual report. 15h Delegations The Executive may from time to time determine policies and procedures on the delegations of financial or decision-making authority to individuals or organisational units. These policies shall be available from the executive secretary on request by any member of the association "16 k The Executive of the Association may co-opt additional members to executive that have all the powers of an executive member excluding voting. The co-opting shall be by motion at a full executive meeting and a unanimous decision. The Executive can remove a co-opted member to the Executive by motion and a simple majority. "18 b v - replace current with receive for the next three years. "23 e branches may be special interest groups representing sectors of the association covering all or part of the membership. "23 f branches shall establish rules of operation and conduct of meetings complaint with the this Constitution and Policies set by the executive. "28 Change Executive to Council of Elected Officers. "31. Policies The Executive may make matters of policy any matter that it considers necessary to be a policy and that policy shall be binding on all members of the association. The Executive does not have the power to make policies that directly contravene this constitution. All policies shall be available from the Executive Secretary on request by any voting member of the association. NB: The above are as submitted. The amendments will come back once the solicitor has approved them. Action 7.17 Executive Secretary to ask the Solicitor when rule changes take place and circulate the definitive ruling with rule change proposals. "The rule changes as proposed go to the membership once they have solicitor sign off" Lin McKenzie / Terry Gavin CARRIED Mr Gavin and Mr McKenzie retired form the meeting at 4.45pm to catch a train. As a quorum was not present the Chairman thanked the Executive for a constructive meeting and closed the meeting at 4.45pm. Next meeting: Friday June 15 with governance meeting on Friday June 15
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