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National Beekeepers' Association of New Zealand (Inc.)

Meeting of NBA Executive Committee held at 1.20pm on 24 July 2001
at the Rydges Hotel, Queenstown


Don Bell (Vice President), Terry Gavin, Lin McKenzie, Jane
Lorimer & Philip Cropp - 2000/01 Executive Committee.

Fiona O'Brien - 2001/02 Executive Committee (Observer)


Richard Hatfield (President), Gerard Martin (2001/02 Executive

Life Membership:

Proposal from Otago Branch for NBA Life Membership for G Murray
Reid.  L McKenzie stated he seconded the motion because Murray
Reid has been a long-term personal friend to the beekeeping

"That the Executive endorse the nomination of Mr. Reid's life
membership to the NBA."

Lin McKenzie/Terry Gavin	CARRIED

Rule Changes:

It has become apparent over the last two days that the rule
changes as proposed from the Executive are not going to meet with
approval at the AGM.  There seems to be an acknowledgement though
that the industry needs to change its structure.  Not
withstanding, if they are to be presented and debated as
presented they will not be accepted.

Don feels that the President needs to state that the rule changes
as proposed are the start of a process and that what is desired
is a structure for the NBA that reflects the NBA as an "industry

Terry Gavin felt that the idea of letting the membership mull
over the idea of needing rules to better reflect the industry
status of the NBA a for a few months is the best course of

Philip Cropp feels that there needs to be further discussion over
the next 12 months.

Lin McKenzie felt that the incoming Executive should consult
around the Branches for the coming year with a view to bringing
up at next years conference rules that have a buy in from the
majority of the membership.

"That the Executive advise the President that his address should
establish the principal of change that the proposed rule changes
indicate.  He then withdraw the proposals from further discussion
with the executive undertaking to develop discussion and input
from the Branches in the next 12 months to have a renewed rule
package developed for the 2002 AGM."

Jane Lorimer/Lin McKenzie	CARRIED

Discussion ensues and the Executive decided that the NBA
structure needs to reflect and represent all members through
their respective interest areas.

Increasing Values of Southern Honeys:

Lin McKenzie stated that this is a local initiative and does not
involve the Marketing Committee or the Executive.  The idea is to
get a group of southern beekeepers together to discuss

Sustainable Farming Fund

Lin McKenzie will report on progress to the seminar attendees
later on the day of the 24th July.

By unanimous resolution, the Executive thanked Terry Gavin for
his contribution to the NBA over the years at Branch, Committee
and Executive levels.  Mention was also made of Terry's
contribution as President 1999/2000.

The Executive thanked Terry most sincerely and wished him well
for the future.  Terry as well as being an effective member was
also a good friend.

Terry thanked the Executive for their kind words and assured them
he will stay around for a while yet.

Meeting closed at 2.00pm on the 24th.

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