Minutes of the 2001 Annual General Meeting and Conference of Branch Delegates of the National Beekeepers' Association of New Zealand (Inc.) held at the Rydges Lakeside Resort, 54 Lake Esplanade, Queenstown on 25 & 26 July 2001, commencing at 8.40am on the 25th. 1. President, Richard Hatfield opened the 2001 AGM at 8.40am on July 25 2001. He welcomed all to he meeting and thanked the Conference Committee for their organisation of what had so far been an excellent Conference in an excellent venue and setting. Dorothy Lamsdale read the conference prayer. 2. Apologies Messrs: D Hoole Northland N Wallingford Bay of Plenty D Lorimer Waikato B Foster Poverty Bay J Berry Hawkes Bay R McCammon Southern North Island J Black Southern North Island J Hartnell Canterbury G McCallum North Otago M Menlove Southland 3. Obituaries The conference recognised the following members/friends of the NBA who had passed away in the last 12 months. Messrs: Joe Lawrence Arnold Harris Bruce Jenkins Maurice Deadman Lex Cranstone Gregor McGregor Ivan Bond Bob Wotherspoon 4. Minutes of the 2000 AGM held in Gisborne, 18 & 19 July 2000. "That the minutes of the 2000 AGM and Conference of Branch Delegates held at the Sundown Motor Lodge, Gisborne on 18 & 19 July 2000 are an accurate record." A Richardson/T Lorimer Carried 5. Matters Arising - Nil. 6. The Meeting adjourned at 8.50am for a presentation on regulations relating to honey production by Mr G Neal from MAF Food Assurance Authority. 7. The Meeting reconvened at 9.20am. Mrs J Lorimer (NBA Exec member) stated that the NBA Executive is working with MAF to minimise the effects of regulatory change on NBA members. 8. President's Address Richard Hatfield presented his Annual Address that focused on the themes of: - maintaining financial stability for NBA. accountability to the membership. organisational restructure to better reflect the needs of members. compliance simplification. 9. Reports Philip Cropp, Executive Member responsible for the Export and Marketing Portfolios reported and introduced Mr John Rawcliffe to the meeting. Mr Cropp explained that Mr Rawcliffe is employed to project manage specific marketing committee initiatives, initially; a honey quality assurance project and a project to market bush type honeys. 10. Mayoral Welcome At 9.45am, Hon Warren Cooper, Mayor of Queenstown Lakes District Council, gave a brief (and humorous) address and declared the Conference open with a welcome to Queenstown. Blair Dale, Chairman, Otago Branch NBA, presented the Mayor with an evergreen tree and thanked him for his address. 11. The Conference adjourned at 10.10am for the Conference photograph and morning tea. 12. Conference reconvened at 10.45am. Dr Jim Edwards, MAF, gave a presentation to start a consultation with the bee industry on the importation of West Australian Honey. The West Australians have applied to New Zealand to export honey to New Zealand based on their freedom from European Foul Brood Disease. 13. Report from Hort Research at 11.10am. Dr Mark Goodwin, Hort Research, Ruakura, presented a report detailing the last year and a look at priorities for the next 12 months. 14. Report: Communications: - Lin McKenzie Lin McKenzie reported on the Communications portfolio and Mrs Christine Taiaroa gave a report on NBA Library activity. 15. Report: Support - Lin McKenzie Mr McKenzie reported on the successful application to the Sustainable Farm Fund for a 3-year programme to assist beekeepers in their business management. 16. Report - Environment - Jane Lorimer Jane Lorimer reported on activity in the last 12 months and thanked the committee of Barry Foster, Peter Burt, Stephen Lee and John Thomas for their assistance. 17. Finance & Budget- Jane Lorimer Annual Audited Financial Statement: Jane Lorimer presented the Audited Financial Statements for the 2000 year'. These represented an $84,214. 00 turn around from the 1999-year figures which were a deficit of $282.00. "That the audited accounts for the year 1 January 2000 to 31 December 2000 be accepted." J Lorimer/A Richards Carried A McCaw congratulated the Executive on the turnaround. Six Month Report June Lorimer then presented the conference with an update for the six months ended 30 June 2001. This showed a surplus (unaudited) for the period. Jane reminded the meeting though that as most levy has now been collected, the rest of the year would require careful management. The meeting adjourned at 12.15 p.m. for lunch and afternoon tours. 2nd Day of AGM President Richard Hatfield called the meeting to order at 7.40am. Apologies as per first day. A quorum was present. 18. Special Meeting to Consider Rule Changes Mr R Berry (Waikato) raised a point of order regarding the validity of the meeting as the agenda gave the mistaken impression that rule changes were to be considered by the AGM, not the special meeting. Several delegates stated that they supported this interpretation. Mr A McCaw reminded the meeting that rule changes could only be considered at a "Special Meeting" as per Rule 29. The President ruled that the notification for the rule changes was in order. Moved: - "That the rule changes as proposed by the Executive cannot be accepted as they are not in a form that can be passed" A McCaw/D Stedman Amendment: - "That the Special General Meeting refer the rule changes as proposed by the Executive to the Conference of Branch Delegates for further discussion." A McCaw/A Richards Carried The amended motion was then put as the motion. Carried Rule Changes Proposed by Nick Wallingford Rule 16(a): - Rule 16(a) currently reads: "The Executive shall consist of six persons who are either members of the Association or the representatives of corporations which are members, three being resident in the North Island and three in the South lsland." The proposed rule change is to insert the following parenthetical expression after the words "six persons": "(or fewer than six if the Executive chooses to not appoint a replacement Executive member in the event of a casual vacancy)" Moved: - P Berry/D Stedman 13 for 1 against 2 abstentions Carried Rule 17 (c) vii Rule 17(c)(vii) currently reads "Forwarding to Branches copies of minutes and reports of meetings of the Association and the Executive, to be within 14 days of such meetings being held." The proposed rule change is to delete the phrase "to be within 14 days of such meetings being held". Moved: - D Stedman/P Berry 6 for 6 against 4 abstentions The Chairman declared the motion lost. A poll vote was called for. The meeting Chairman appointed Mary-Anne Lindsay and Angela Crompton as Scrutineers. Poll Vote Results For 285 Against 285 Abstentions 19 The Chairman declared the motion lost and closed the special meeting at 8.25 am. A break was called and the President reconvened the 2001 Annual General meeting at 8.55 am. 19. Resolutions from the Executive Agenda item 15.1 Honoraria Motion to raise honorariums: "That NBA honorariums be set at: President $10,000 Vice President $ 3,000 Executive $ 3,000 Standing Committee Chairs $ 1,000; and that they be paid in equal instalments twice per year." F Lindsay/A Richards Amendment: "remove the category of Vice President" D Stedman/P Berry Carried Amendment: - The President honorarium be $5,000" R Berry/G Cammell Withdrawn Amendment: - The President Honorarium be $6,000 and Executive members honoraria be set at $4,000.00 12 for 30 against 8 abstentions Lost Amendment: - "That the sum of $30,000.00 be budgeted for honoraria for the NBA President, Executive members, Standing Committee Chairmen and it to be apportioned as the Executive sees fit." M Stuckey/T Lorimer Amendment carried and then moved as the motion. The amendment was carried as the motion. Agenda item 15.2. That the Executive puts in place a policy to maintain a minimum of 1/3 of total annual turnover as a standing reserve and this reserve is used to manage the cash flow of the NBA by the 2003 financial year. J Lorimer/L McKenzie Carried Agenda item 15.3. That subject to cash flow resolution being adopted the 2003 levy be reduced by 10%, and that subject to 95% collection rate within the same year of entitlement that the levy be reduced by 10% compounded for the 2004 levy year. P Berry/S Brown Lost Agenda item 15.4 - withdrawn Providing the proposed rule change to rule 16 is carried, the branch representatives be elected at the AGM in anticipation of the rule changes being registered so that the new Board can be in place as soon as practically possible. A brief discussion on Executive workload was held. "The Executive appoint an Executive Officer to reduce workload on the Executive." P Berry/J Berry 13 for 17 against 17 abstentions Lost 21 Mr I Dickinson gave a brief report on the performance of the Honey Trusts at. The Conference adjourned at 10.05am for morning tea. The Conference, under the Chairmanship of NBA Vice President Don Bell, reconvened at 10.30am for an address from Professor Dr. Klaus Ammann, Director Botanical Garden University of Bern The President, Mr. Richard Hatfield declared the Conference of Branch Delegates open at 11.25am There were no apologies. Otago Branch nominated as Scrutineers Mr. S Olds and Miss F Trewby. Otago Branch nominated Mr. N Walker as timekeeper. Conference agreed by consensus that Olds, Trewby and Walker be accepted as Scrutineers and timekeeper respectively. Speaking times were agreed as: 5 minutes mover 3 minutes seconder 3 minutes subsequent speakers The President asked the Conference of Branch Delegates if they accepted the two late remits. One from A McCaw and one from Poverty Bay Branch: Remit from Allen McCaw (received 25/06/01): "That this conference recommends that the NBA ceases to collect levies for the purposes of marketing work, and that the levy for the 2001 year be reduced by $6.00 (six dollars) per apiary in recognition of this action." Mr. McCaw's remit was not accepted as three or more branches did not wish to accept it. Remit from Poverty Bay Branch (received 11/07/01) "That this conference affirms the NBA submission to the Royal Commission on GM for a moratorium with annual review on open release of GM plants and in particular plants visited by bees. We request that the Executive continue to lobby Government for such a moratorium if necessary after the Royal Commission on GM delivers its findings." The remit from Poverty Bay Branch was accepted for debate. The President tabled a report on action taken on remits passed at the 2000 Conference (attached) The President tabled the Executive's proposed policy for handling remits: Remit Policy Background In previous years there have been many late remits that have taken up much of the debate. The intention of this policy is to set out the conditions that remits and late remits will be debated. Policy Remits will be tabled in accordance with the rules of the association. All remits will be debated at the remit debate. The Chair of the remit debate may impose a guillotine based on the length of time for all remits to be debated and the number of remits. The chair will reorder the remits to ensure that effective use of time occurs. Late Remits The chair will only accept late remits if: 1. The proposer and seconder can demonstrate that the matter to be discussed is: a. Urgent matter to the NBA or Beekeeping and b. The matter could have not been raised through the normal remit process as it did not become apparent within the timeframe. 2. and, In the sole opinion of the chair and the vice chair that the matter needs to be discussed, and 3. the floor accepts such late remit in accordance with the rules and 4. They are tabled to the chair at the opening of the remit debate. Late remits will always be heard after the main remit debate. No late remits will be accepted after the opening by the chair. Agenda 1. Open the Meeting 2. Receive late remits 3. Report on last years remits 4. Chair sets out the order of debate the guillotines if applicable. 5. Chair sets out rules of debate 6. Remits 7. Late remits 8. Debate close. Remit debating rules The remit debating rules will follow the executive debating rules as set out in the executive policy. Reporting and recording The Executive Secretary shall record the meeting and it shall be reported within three months in the Beekeeper. Each successful remit shall be allocated to a portfolio and that will be made known to the membership via the beekeeper. The Conference instructed that the policy should lie on the table for the incoming Executive to deal with. Remit 1 (14) T Gavin/P Berry That the line between the buffer and infested zones be maintained and defended for as long as possible and, if Varroa is found south of the line, the line be shifted to a sensible geographical line." An amendment was moved: R Berry/J Berry "After the word line, the words after all other options have been fully investigated for maintaining the line in its present position" Conference voting: For: 15 Against 1 The amendment was put as the motion: Conference voting: For: 15 Against 1 Remit 2 (18) G Cammell/G Hyink "That this Conference recommends to the Executive that they consider the introduction of Varroa tolerant bee stock to the New Zealand Beekeeping industry, to reduce the effect of Varroa and improve the economics of the beekeeping industry." Conference voting: For: 11 Against 3 Abstentions 2 Remit 3 (22) The Conference agreed to the Auckland Branch request to withdraw the motion. "That the line between the buffer and infected zones be maintained and defended for as long as possible and, if Varroa is found south of the line, the line be shifted to a sensible geographical line." Remit 4 (16) R Berry/T Lorimer "That this Conference recommends to Executive that they seek a Government enquiry into the handling of the Varroa Situation." Conference voting: For: 5 Against 10 Abstentions 1 The Conference of Branch Delegates adjourned for lunch at 12.05pm. __________________________________ The Annual General Meeting reconvened at 12.50pm. Don Bell, NBA Vice President presented the Roy Paterson Trophy to the Auckland Branch of the NBA for the way they have handled the Varroa incursion in the 16 months since Varroa was found on April 11 2000. Graham Cammell from the Auckland Branch accepted the trophy on behalf of the Branch (he was speechless - for a change!). The Conference of Branch Delegates reconvened at 1.55pm. Motion regarding rule changes referred to Conference of Branch Delegates R Berry/D Stedman "The rule changes as proposed by the Executive be referred back to the incoming Executive for further deliberation and communication with branches, with a view to having firm rule changes for presentation at a Special Meeting to be held at our next Annual Conference." Conference voting: For: 15 Against 0 Abstentions 1 Remit 5 (8) F McKenzie/P Berry (Hawkes Bay) "That this Conference recommends to the Executive that, The NBA commission an investigation into the options available for the treatment and or eradication of European Foulbrood in New Zealand." Conference voting: For: 16 Against 0 Remit 6 (7) The Conference agreed to the Southland Branch request to withdraw the motion. That this conference recommends to the Executive that they take the needed steps to ensure the antibiotic tetracycline is registered with the appropriate authorities for use in New Zealand beehives in the event that European Foulbrood is declared endemic in New Zealand. Remit 7 (17) G Cammell/J Wright "That this Conference recommends to the Executive, that they consider that the following become an essential memorandum for all future Conference procedure: - That Delegates be asked at the opening of the Remit Session, to respond to the question: - "Are Branches satisfied with the Exotic Bee Disease Surveillance that has been carried out in the past 12 months?" If a Branch Delegate replies in the negative, then that Delegate must give reason/s. The Executive should then take not of such reason/s and act appropriately." Conference voting: For: 7 Against 8 Abstentions 1 A poll vote was called: Poll vote result: For: 444 Against 495 Abstentions 11 Remit 8 (11) T Scott/S Brown "This conference recommends to Executive on behalf of the New Zealand Hobbyist Beekeepers that Executive negotiates with Government for the removal of the Statutory Declaration clause." Amendment moved: A McCaw/P Cropp "after the final word, the following be added: under the Commodity Levies (Bee Products) Order 1996." Conference voting: For: 16 Against 0 The amendment motion became the motion and was put: "This conference recommends to Executive on behalf of the New Zealand Hobbyist Beekeepers that Executive negotiates with Government for the removal of the Statutory Declaration clause under the Commodity Levies (Bee Products) Order 1996." Conference voting: For: 16 Against 0 Remit 9 (10) T Scott/S Brown "This conference recommends to the Executive that the cost of EU Residue testing be directed to and funded from the Honey Marketing Committee." Conference voting: For: 1 Against 14 Abstentions 1 Remit 10 (9) F McKenzie/D Stedman "That this Conference recommends to the Executive that they ensure that any policies adopted by them are formulated in accordance with the provisions and spirit of the Rules of the Association and comply with governing legislation." Conference voting: For: 14 Against 0 Abstentions 2 Remit 11 (13) A Richards/F Lindsay "That this conference recommends to the Executive that they establish template contracts to be available to beekeepers for the purchase/selling of bees, hive products and services." Conference voting: For: 3 Against 12 Nelson Branch Absent Remit 12 (15) R Berry/T Lorimer "That this Conference recommends to Executive that they facilitate the development of clover that produces Nectar and persists for many years in pasture." Conference voting: For: 14 Against 2 Remit 13 (1) G Hyink/B Hooten That this Conference recommends to the Executive that each Branch receive a grant each year and that the grant is not less than 1 1/2% of the total levy and Ordinary membership fees collected from that branch. Conference voting: For: 6 Against 10 Remit 14 (2) G Hyink/B Hooten "That this Conference recommends to the Executive that they make a request to Government for an increase in the number of Apicultural Advisory Officers with AgriQuality." Conference voting: For: 6 Against 10 Remit 15 (3) G Hyink/B Hooten "That this Conference recommends to Executive that the Beekeeper magazine be published six times only per year." Conference voting: For: 1 Against 15 Remit 16 (4) G Hyink/B Hooten "That this Conference recommends to Executive that AgriQuality remain responsible for the maintenance of the Apiary Register." Conference voting: For: 7 Against 9 Remit 17 (5) G Hyink/B Hooten "That this Conference recommends to Executive that persons appointed as Authorised Persons (Level 1) under the Pest Management Strategy is from an independent agency only." Conference voting: For: 7 Against 9 Remit 18 (6) G Hyink/B Hooten "That this Conference recommends to Executive that this industry express its total opposition to the use of Imidacloprid (Gaucho)." An amendment was moved: R Berry/T Taiaroa "Remove the words total opposition and replace with concern." Conference voting: For: 14 Against 2 The new motion was put: "That this Conference recommends to Executive that this industry express its concern to the use of Imidacloprid (Gaucho)." Conference voting: For: 16 Against 0 Remit 19 (12) A Richards/F Lindsay "That this conference recommends to the Executive that the marketing committee presents to the AGM of the NBA, a report that shows expenditure for projects for the ensuing 12 months for delegates to vote on." An amendment was moved: D Stedman/A Richards "Take the words ...report that shows expenditure for projects and replace with business plan." Conference voting: For: 13 Against 2 Abstentions 1 A further amendment was moved: G Cammell/J Berry "Remove the words 'for the ensuing 12 months'" At the request of the meeting the movers agreed to withdraw their amendment and replace with: "Take out the words 'for delegates to vote on'" Conference voting: For: 16 Against 0 The amendment became the motion and was put: "That this conference recommends to the Executive that the marketing committee presents to the AGM of the NBA, a business plan for the ensuing 12 months." Conference voting: For: 12 Against 3 Abstentions 1 Remit 20 (19) G Cammell/J Wright "That this Conference recommends to the Executive that the Beekeeping Industry endeavour to co-ordinate rural industries to speak with one voice to increase pressure on the Government to provide better border security." Conference voting: For: 14 Against 1 Abstentions 1 Remit 21 (20) G Cammell/J Wright "That this Conference recommends to the Executive, that an approach be made to the Government to get all incoming containers opened and their contents inspected, to control the importation of exotic diseases and pests, such as is believed being put into practice in Australia." An amendment was moved: D Stedman/G Cammell "That the word shipping be placed in front of containers and all words after 'inspected' be dropped." Conference voting: For: 16 Against 0 The amended motion was put: "That this Conference recommends to the Executive, that an approach be made to the Government to get all incoming shipping containers opened and their contents inspected." Conference voting: For: 16 Against 0 Remit 22 (21) G Cammell/J Wright "That this Conference asks the Executive to bring to the notice of all relevant departments, "That all Government Departments, including MAF and those responsible for Border Control, should be controlled by the same rules as we the public are, in that in 1999, huge costs were placed on New Zealand and all Beekeepers by being lax in allowing the entry of Varroa Mite through their Border Control, which we believe is contained in their contract." Conference voting: For: 3 Against 13 Late Remits: Remit 23 (Poverty Bay) P Burt/T Lorimer "That this conference affirms the NBA submission to the Royal Commission on GM for a moratorium with annual review on open release of GM plants and in particular plants visited by bees. We request that the Executive continue to lobby Government for such a moratorium if necessary after the Royal Commission on GM delivers its findings." Conference voting: For: 14 Against 0 Abstentions 2 Remit 24 (R Berry) R Berry/T Lorimer "That this conference strongly recommends to Executive that an additional control line be established immediately north of Wellington along natural boundaries having least effect on commercial beekeeping in the Wellington area. This line to stop any live bee movement from north of this line to south of this line." Conference voting: For: 14 Against 1 Abstentions 1 Remit 25 (A McCaw) A McCaw/G Cammell "That this conference recommends to Executive that the Auckland Branch of the National Beekeepers' Association host the 2002 Conference" Conference voting: For: 16 Against 0 The Conference of Branch Delegates was declared closed at 3.10pm. A recess for afternoon tea was called. The 2001 Annual General Meeting was reconvened at 3.40pm. 22 AgriQuality New Zealand Ltd Murray Reid and David McMillan from AgriQuality New Zealand Ltd reported on AgriQuality's work in the apiary sector during the last 12 months. 23 PMS Operations Murray Bush, Chairman PMS Operations Committee reported on PMS activity. A full report will appear in the August 2001 Beekeeper. 24 Varroa Don Bell reported on the last few months of activity in the Varroa portfolio. The Varroa Oversight Advisory Committee comprising a member from each of the 16 branches is functioning well as the NBA's advisory body. 25 Exotics Terry Gavin verbally reported that negotiations are underway for the Exotic Surveillance Programme. 26 Appointment of Auditor "That the Wellington Office of PriceWaterhouseCoopers be the NBA's Auditors for the 2001 year." S Brown/T Lorimer Carried 27 Appointment of Legal Advisors "That Michael Smith act for the NBA on Civil matters (debt collection)" S Brown/T Lorimer Carried "That Jane Forrest of Philips Fox act for the NBA on Criminal Matters" S Brown/T Lorimer Carried 28 Election of President "That Don Bell be nominated as NBA President for the coming year" R Berry/T Taiaroa Carried Richard Hatfield declared Don Bell duly elected and welcomed him to the top table to conclude proceedings. 29 Election of Vice President "That Lin McKenzie be nominated as NBA Vice President for the coming year" R Berry/A Laurence Carried Lin McKenzie duly elected. 30 Life Membership of the Association "That G Murray Reid be nominated as a Life Member of the National Beekeepers Association of New Zealand (Inc.) A McCaw/L McKenzie Carried Many members present, including Messrs McCaw and McKenzie spoke of Mr Reid's long service to the bee industry. 31 Recognition of retiring Executive. Don Bell spoke of Richard Hatfield's contribution to the Executive during the last 12 months and presented him with an engraved pen as a momento of his time as President and member of the Executive. Mr Bell then spoke of Terry Gavin's long service to the NBA and thanked him also on behalf of the industry. Mr Gavin was also presented with an engraved pen. 32 Closure The new President of the NBA, Don Bell thanked all for their positive input to the conference, wished them a safe journey home and closed the 2001 Conference at 5.05pm.
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