NZ Bkpg Bee Diseases Organisation Information Contacts


This set of minutes marked as "A"...


Minutes of the 1998 Annual General Meeting of the National
Beekeepers' Association of New Zealand (Inc) and the
Conference of Branch Delegates, held at the Copthorne
Resort, Waitangi, Bay of Islands, on Wednesday and Thursday,
22nd and 23rd of July 1998, commencing at 9.05 am on the


Mr. R Berry, President in the Chair

Messrs. Terry Gavin, Anthony Taiaroa, Keith Herron, Don
Bell, members of the Executive Committee, 30 delegates
representing 16 branches and approximately 130 members.
Welcome to Delegates

The President welcomed all to the 1998 Conference. The
Northland and Far North branches were thanked for all their
hard work in the Conference organisation.


The President then invited Mr. Terry Gavin to read the
Conference prayer.

Welcome to Waitangi

Mrs. Sue James, Mayor of the Far North, welcomed the
delegates to Waitangi. She spoke of the area and its
highlights and declared the Conference open at 9.30am.
Vote of thanks.

Vice President Mr. Terry Gavin gave a vote of thanks to Mrs.
James on behalf of the Executive and presented a kowhai tree
to the town to commemorate the Conference.

President's Address.

The President opened his address by referring to the sad
year we have been through with the loss of Mr. Ted Roberts.
The weather in many areas of the country had made beekeeping
very difficult for the industry. He spoke about the delays
caused by any manner of things outside the control of the
Executive, which had delayed the implementation of the Pest
Management Strategy (PMS). The many unexpected Government
costs now handed to the industry, which had not been
budgeted for. The criticism that had been distributed on
email through out the year had also distracted the Executive
from getting on and doing their job. 

He spoke about the support of his family and staff in the
very heavy workload that was required in the role of the NBA

Apologies for absence were received from: Dr. Jim Edwards,
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ferris, Mr.
Trevor Bryant, Mr. Dudley Lorimer, Mr. Noel Trezise, Mr.
Blair Dale, Mr. Sandy Richardson, Mr. Gary Jefferies, Mr.
Lloyd Holt and Mr. Ian Spence.


The following obituaries were advised to the meeting.

Mr. Ted Roberts         Southern North Island
Mr. Kevin Morris        Southern North Island
Mr. Arnold Simpson      South Canterbury
Ms. Rosemary Middleton  Poverty Bay
Mr. Frank Hewlett       Bay of Plenty
Mr. Bill Irvine         North Otago
Mr. Walter Watts        Hawke's Bay

The Meeting stood for one minute's silence in respect for
these members.
Life Members.

Mr. Terry Gavin
Mr. Heini Belin
Mr. Don Barrow
Mr. Doug Briscoe
Mr. Ian Berry
Mr. Chris Dawson
Mr. Ivor Forster
Mr. Pat Clinch
Mr. Dudley Lorimer
Mr. John Heinemann
Mr. Ivan Dickinson
Mr. Keith Herron
Mr. Kevin Ecroyd
Honorary Members.

Sir. Edmund Hillary
Mr. Cliff Van Eaton
Dr. Peter Molan
Dr. Mark Goodwin
Dr. Jim Edwards
Mr. Murray Reid
Mr. Steve Olds

Branch Life Members.

Branch Life Membership bestowed by branches during the year
were notified to Conference.

Mr. Bob Wotherspoon     Hawke's Bay 
Mr. Bruce Stanley       Bay of Plenty
Mr. Roy Hyde            Bay of Plenty
Mr. Arnold Simpson      South Canterbury
Mr. Brian Young         Auckland

Procedural Matters.	


It was resolved that Mr. Brendan Nichols be appointed


It was resolved that Dr. Mark Goodwin and Mr. Derek
Bettersworth be appointed Scrutineers.
Speaking times.

It was resolved that the mover of a motion be allowed 5
minutes speaking time, the seconder and subsequent speakers
being allowed 3 minutes.

Branch Delegates.

The Executive Secretary informed the meeting of Branch
delegates and deputy delegates notified to date.

Far North             Mr. Bob Banks, Mr. Bruce Stevenson
Northland             Mr. Don Hoole, Mr. John Gavin
Auckland              Mr. Jim Thompson, Mr. Graham Cammell
Waikato               Mr. Lewis Olsen, Mr. Tony Lorimer
Bay of Plenty         Mr. Gerrit Hyink, Mr. Nick Wallingford
Poverty Bay           Mr. Barry Foster, Mr. Peter Burt
Hawke's Bay           Mr. John Berry, Mr. Peter Berry
Southern North Island Mr. Robin McCammon, Mr. Frank Lindsay
Nelson                Mr. Glen Kelly, Mr. Philip Cropp
Marlborough           Mrs. Mary-Ann Lindsay
West Coast            Mr. Derek Newton, Mr. Trevor Corbett
Canterbury            Mr. Derek Newton, Mr. Trevor Corbett
South Canterbury      Mr. Jan van Hoof, Mr. Peter Lyttle
North Otago           Mr. Lin McKenzie
Otago                 Mr. Peter Sales, Mr. Allen McCaw
Southland             Mr. Shaun Lawlor, Mr. Carne Clissold


Due to the number of corrections required to the Minutes of
the Annual General Meeting, and of the Conference of Branch
Delegates held on Wednesday and Thursday, 23rd and 24th of
July 1997, they were to be reconsidered on the 24th of July

Notice of reports.

The President notified the meeting of a number of reports
that would be received during the Annual Meeting, including
those from Mr. Murray Reid and Mr. Derek Bettersworth (MAF
QM), Dr. Mark Goodwin and Dr. Louise Malone (HortResearch),
Mr. John Heineman (Honorary Librarian) Dr. David Woodward
(Telford Polytechnic). Mr. Bruce Stevenson (PMS Review
Committee), Mr. Terry Gavin (Roy Paterson Trophy), Mr. Ivan
Dickinson (Trustees).

MAF Qual Report.

Mr. Murray Reid, assisted by Mr. Derek Bettesworth,
presented a report on MAF Qual activities in the previous
year and the honey production figures. The total saleable
crop was assessed at 8,081 tonnes (27.0kg/hive) a reduction
on last year's crop of 8,537 tonnes (29.5kg/hive).

Meeting adjourned at 10.00am for Conference photo and
morning tea. 

Meeting reconvened at 10.40am.

Executive Election.

The Executive Secretary in his role as Returning Officer
reported that no election was required for the South Island,
as only two nominations had been received for the two vacant
positions. Mr. Tony Taiaroa and Mr. Lin McKenzie were
therefore declared to be the duly elected representatives
for the South Island.

For the North Island, two nominations were received for the
one position, Mr. Bruce Stevenson and Mr. Nick Wallingford.
Results were:

Mr. Bruce Stevenson 742.
Mr. Nick Wallingford 360.

Mr. Bruce Stevenson was declared to be the duly elected
representative for the North Island.

Research report

Dr. Mark Goodwin and Dr. Louise Malone (HortResearch)
presented a report on their research activities to the
meeting. They spoke of the nosema research results to date
and the clover weevil research. Mark said it had been a very
difficult year for research on the Weevil; as they had not
re-produced at all this year, this was an unusual event.


The meeting was adjourned at 12:40pm for lunch and
reconvened at 1:50pm.

Marketing report

Mr. Neil Stuckey suggested that some people thought the
Marketing Committee was expensive. In fact it cost the
industry 1.5 cents for each kg of honey produced. Beekeepers
needed to co-operate to compete overseas, as the industry is
too small he said.

Telford Rural Polytechnic	

Dr. David Woodward reported to Conference for Telford Rural
Polytechnic on the courses available and some of the
activities for 1998.  He felt the industry has a role to
play in increasing the number of students going to Telford.

Publication Committee

Mr. Tony Taiaroa reported on the review of the magazine and
the role of the magazine. Amongst other things the Committee
had looked at, was a bi-monthly magazine. He requested the
members to write and tell the Publications Committee what
they wanted in the magazine. Tony thanked the Committee for
their input.



The Annual General Meeting of the National Beekeepers'
Association of New Zealand (Inc) was adjourned at 3.40pm to
allow for the opening of the Conference of Branch Delegates
which commenced at 4.10pm.

Meeting adjourned for afternoon tea at 3.40pm and reconvened
at 4.10pm.
Mr. Nick Wallingford raised the issue of the wording of the
rules that had been registered with Register of Incorporated
Societies. Provisions for a poll vote had been left out and
a number of other changes had been made. The President
assured the meeting that common sense would prevail during
the meetings, and that the rules would be accurately re
written and re- registered following conference.

Consideration of Remits.

The Conference began to consider the remits as they appeared
on the Order Paper.

Remit 1. Nelson Branch.

That this Conference recommends to the Executive that:

a)      The role of the Executive Secretary be defined.

b)      The job description of the Executive Secretary be

c)      The evaluation of performance of the Executive
Secretary be defined.

d)      The length of term of appointment of the Executive
Secretary be defined.

e)      The procedure for appointment and dismissal of the
Executive Secretary be defined.

f)      The remuneration of the Executive Secretary be

g)      All Branch Secretaries have a copy of the job
description of the Executive Secretary.

Notes:  This remit repeats the request as detailed in the
letter from the Nelson Branch dated 18-11-97, sent to
members of the Executive and discussed at their December
meeting. A copy of the same letter was sent to all Branch
secretaries dated 6-3-98.

"The Remit was LOST by a vote of 7 For 9 Against 0
Remit 2. Bay of Plenty Branch.

That this Conference recommends to Executive that a set of
written editorial standards are developed as soon as
possible for the New Zealand Beekeeper by a committee
established for this purpose, the committee to be made up of
a cross-section of association membership and current users
of the magazine (science/technical writers, columnists and
advertisers), and that these standards form part of a
written performance contract for the position of Editor of
the New Zealand Beekeeper.

Note:  After all what happened to the position of the
editor, in particular becoming dependant on the Executive
for the decision what to print, this remit doesn't need much

"The Remit was LOST by a vote of 7 For 8 Against 1

Remit 3. Canterbury Branch.

That this Conference recommends to the Executive that a full
review of the performance of the Executive secretary be
undertaken by an independent party.

"The Remit was LOST by a vote of 4 For 10 Against 2
Remit 4. Otago Branch.

That this Conference recommends to the Executive that, the
Executive secretary can not hold any other office or
position in the Association.

Note: Reworded to comply with rule 19 (d)

The Remit was left to lie upon the table (later withdrawn).

Remit 5. Canterbury Branch.

That this Conference recommends to the Executive that the
current Editor of the New Zealand Beekeeper be removed and
an independent Editor be appointed.

Notes:  The recent spate of letters to the Editor from Mr.
B. Peterson and the publishing of these after they were
known to be misleading along with unfactual editor's
comments damaging to the reputation of a NBA member shows
the danger of having an editor that is not independent from
the position of Executive secretary.

"The Remit was LOST by a vote of 3 For 8 Against 5

Remit 6. Auckland Branch.

That this Conference recommend, that the Executive
investigate the use of drugs in honey producing hives with a
view to having all drugs banned.

Notes:  With NZ's "Clean Green Image", the use of Fumadil B,
(an antibiotic) in honey producing hives seems a

The wording of this remit, is that passed by the 1996
Conference is because the only information received, is that
which was reported in the unconfirmed Executive minutes of
Sept & Dec 96 and March 97, that this matter has been passed
to the A.R.A.C.

"The Remit was LOST by a vote of 4 For 11 Against 1

Remit 7. Canterbury Branch.

That this Conference recommend to the Executive that the
apiary rating system be reviewed with a view to improvement
where necessary.

Notes:  There are some anomalies with the present system for
site levy ratings, mainly a lot of Canterbury beekeepers run
smaller sites, i.e. six to twelve hives per site. So instead
of Beekeeping to maximum profit we are Beekeeping to
minimise cost. i.e. less sites, less flexibility.

Deregistering sites by 1st June only to reregister them for
summer. When hives are bought and sold on site, site levy
fees will have to be considered part of the bill of sale
contract. The date we pay the levy, 20th February/31st
March, are these most appropriate collection dates for the
beekeeper and the industry?

"The Remit was CARRIED by a vote of 12 For  2 Against 2

Conference of Branch delegates was adjourned at 5.10pm.



The Chairman declared the meeting open at 8.10am.

After much debate it was agreed that the policy in the past
had been, not to allow rule changes to have any amendments
to them at Special meetings.

Rule change 1. Proposed by the NBA Executive.

Rule 7. a) This currently reads:  

"Every beekeeper who is liable to pay an apiary levy shall
be deemed to be a Commercial member of the Association".

Its is proposed that this rule be changed to read:

Every beekeeper who has paid his/her levy, when due, as
prescribed by the Commodity Levies (Bee Products) Order
1996, shall be deemed to be a commercial member of the

"The Proposed Rule Change was Carried by a vote of 10 For 2
Against 4 Abstentions".

Rule change 2. Proposed by the Otago Branch.

Rule 17. c) vii) This currently reads,

"Forwarding to Branches copies of Minutes and reports of
meetings of the Association and the Executive".

It is proposed this rule be changed to read: 

Forwarding to Branches copies of Minutes and reports of the
Association and Executive, to be within 14 days of such
meetings being held.

"The Proposed Rule Change was Carried by a vote of 11 For 5
Against 0 Abstentions".

Rule change 3. Proposed by the Auckland Branch.

Rule 26. a) This currently reads:

"Each Branch may transact its ordinary business as it may
from time to time decide, but it shall hold each year an
Annual Meeting of its members (which shall be held in the
month of April) and at least one other meeting either of its
members or its management committee".

It is proposed that this rule be changed to read:

Each Branch may transact its ordinary business as it may
from time to time decide, but it shall hold each year an
Annual Meeting of its members (which shall be held before
the end of the month of May?) and at least one other meeting
either of its members or its management committee.

"The Proposed Rule Change was Carried by a vote of 8 For 5
Against 3 Abstentions".

Rule change 4. Proposed by the B.O.P. Branch.

Proposed rule changes to reconstitute the executive
committee, establish a management committee and establish
the position of executive director.

"The Proposed Rule Change was LOST by a vote of 1 For 13
Against 2 Abstentions".

The Chairman declared the Special meeting closed at 9.15am.


The Conference of Branch Delegates was reconvened at 9.15am.

Retiring Executive.

The President noted that he had prepared an engraved pen for
Mr. Keith Herron, whose term of office was ending.

The President paid tribute to the work of Mr. Herron on the
Executive and commented that it was 50 years since he had
attended his first Conference.

Trustees Report.

Mr. Ivan Dickinson spoke on the Trusts activities for 1998.
They had again allocated $20,000 to the Honey Research unit
at Waikato University. He said the Trust had approximately
$1.1 million dollars invested and called for more requests
for applications for educational components for the
industry. He also said he was concerned at the number of
applications, which were marked with urgency, and those with
a lack of information with them.

Roy Paterson Trophy.

Mr. Terry Gavin spoke about the Roy Paterson Trophy for
innovation in the industry and announced this year's winner,
Mr. Ross Ward of Southland. Many of the audience spoke of
the very valuable work Ross has and continues to do for the

PMS Review Committee.

(Formerly Disease Control) Mr. Bruce Stevenson vice
Chairman, described the work in the last year of the Pest
Management Strategy (PMS) Review Committee. He said that
Tenders for the PMS had not yet been accepted as the
Committee wished to bring  having the Order In Council
ready for a launch of the PMS at this Conference and the
frustration for the Committee in not being involved in the
Tender selection process. The Trustees agreed to a $25,000
loan and a $25,000 grant this was specific to the PMS
implementation program. Bruce said that PMS review committee
recommended that the "MAF option " be accepted for the
implementation of the PMS compared with the "NBA option"
proposed by Russell Berry.
The meeting was adjourned at 10.05am for morning tea.

The meeting was reconvened at 10.50am.

Remit 4. Was uplifted from the table by the meeting

Remit 4.  Otago Branch.

That this Conference recommends to the Executive that, the
Executive secretary can not hold any other office or
position in the Association.

Note: Reworded to comply with rule 19 (d).

The Remit was WITHDRAWN.

Library Report.

Mr. John Heinemann reported on the Library and said it was
under-utilised and a valuable resource for the industry. He
also spoke about his involvement in setting up a collection
of beekeeping literature in Fiji.

Exotic Bee Disease Committee.

Mr. Peter Berry as the Chairman of the Committee shared the
difficulty of receiving other members to this Committee. All
the ones approached had declined to be involved. He talked
about his quest to find out as much information as possible
on effects of an outbreak of EFB. Two things stood out he
said, the speed and ease with which this disease is
spreading. He also commented that the disease was not
present in NZ.

Remit 13. Bay Of Plenty Branch.

That this Conference recommends to the Executive that a
honey standard for Manuka honey be implemented in line with
the previous recommendations of the NBA Marketing Committee.

"The Remit was left to lie on the Table. Vote of 14 For1
Against 1 Abstention".

Remit 8. Southland Branch.

That this Conference recommends to the Executive that a
standard bee product trading agreement be developed for the


Currently in the majority of trading situations there is a
one-sided agreement drawn up by the buyer reflecting his/her

While an agreement should be subject to negotiation the
producer is often in a " take it or leave it" position and
does not feel able to negotiate from a position of strength.

We would like to see an agreement, which includes a Romalpa
clause and provides for financial penalties when agreed
payment dates are not met.

Amended to read. 

That this Conference recommends to the Executive that a set
of guidelines be established to act as source material for
use by beekeepers.

"The Amended Remit was CARRIED by a vote of 8 For 6 Against
2 Abstentions".

Remit 9. Southland Branch.
That this Conference recommends to the Executive that if the
implementation of the P.M.S. in its current form is likely
to add more than $4.00. for each levied apiary in New
Zealand, then an alternative solution to A.F.B. elimination
should be investigated. 

"The Remit was LOST by a vote of 4 For 12 Against 0

This remit was amended to read: That this Conference
recommends to Executive that if the implementation of the
PMS in its current form is likely to add more than $ 4.00
for each levied apiary in New Zealand, then more affordable
methods of implementing the PMS should be investigated.

The Amended was carried 14-1 and the remit lost 4-12.

Honey Innovation Awards.

Mr. Bill Floyd announced the 1998 winners for this award as:
Kapiti Cheese.
Airborne Honey.
Pilot Bay Brewing.

The President Mr. Russell Berry presented Mr. Peter Bray of
Airborne Honey with a Gold Medallion in recognition of the
use of innovative packaging to promote honey and New

Remit 10. Southland Branch.

That this Conference recommends to the Executive that in the
view of the forthcoming implementation of the P.M.S. and
Apiary register, the structure of the N.B.A. should not be
significantly changed at this stage. 

"The Remit was CARRIED by a vote of 9 For  5 Against 2

Remit 11. Southland Branch.

That this Conference recommends to the Executive that they
form a committee to formulate a national code of practice
for the Beekeeping industry, as a matter of urgency. 

"The Remit was Carried by a vote of 14 For 2 Against 0

Remit 12. South Canterbury Branch.

That this Conference recommends to the Executive that
pressure be maintained on Government to retain and improve
border surveillance methods for exotic disease detection and
funding be met by the taxpayer.

Note: Reworded to comply with rule 19 (d)

Amended by Hawke's Bay to read:

That this Conference recommends to the Executive that
pressure be maintained on government to retain and improve
border protection and surveillance for exotic bee disease
detection and that quarantine staff undertake Training Bi
annually, a course in bees and bee product risk items.

"The Amended Remit was Carried by a vote of 16 For 0
Against 0 Abstentions".
The Conference of Branch delegates was adjourned for lunch
at 12.30pm.


The Annual General Meeting was reconvened at 1.40pm.



The Chairman declared the Special meeting open at 1.45pm.

Resolution 1.

That the levy for a beekeepers first Apiary be $55.00, with
each subsequent Apiary to be levied at the rate of $24.20
for the 1999 year.

Resolution 2.

That the levy for a beekeepers first Apiary be $57.50, with
each subsequent Apiary to be levied at the rate of $25.30
for the 1999 year.

Resolution 3.

That the levy for a beekeepers first Apiary be $60.00, with
each subsequent Apiary to be levied at the rate of $26.40
for the 1999 year.

Resolution 4.

That the levy for a beekeepers first Apiary be $62.50, with
each subsequent Apiary to be levied at the rate of $27.50
for the 1999 year.


It was agreed at 2.10pm to adjourn the special meeting and
reconvene the Conference of Branch Delegates to consider the
four resolutions above.

The meeting was adjourned at 3.10pm for a fire alarm.

The meeting was reconvened at 3.40pm.

Resolution 4.

That the levy for a beekeepers first Apiary be $62.50, with
each subsequent Apiary to be levied at the rate of $27.50
for the 1999 year.

"The Remit was LOST by a vote of 15 For 0 Against 1
Resolution 3.

That the levy for a beekeepers first Apiary be $60.00, with
each subsequent Apiary to be levied at the rate of $26.40
for the 1999 year.

"The Remit was LOST by a vote of 2 For 14 Against  0

Resolution 2.

That the levy for a beekeepers first Apiary be $57.50, with
each subsequent Apiary to be levied at the rate of $25.30
for the 1999 year.

"The Remit was LOST by a vote of 5 For 11 Against 0

Resolution 1.

That the levy for a beekeepers first Apiary be $55.00, with
each subsequent Apiary to be levied at the rate of $24.20
for the 1999 year.

"The Remit was declared tied by a vote of 8 For 8 Against 0

A Poll Vote was called for.

Poll vote:

Branch:         For:      Against:      Abstain:
Far North        35
Northland        23
Auckland         28
Waikato         129             24
BOP                             88
Poverty Bay       8
Hawke's Bay      88             15
Sth Nth Is                      56
Nelson                          25
Marlborough                     27
West Coast                     130
Canterbury                     177
South Canty                     92
North Otago       1
Otago            39             48
Southland        54
TOTAL           405            682

The Chairman declared the Remit was LOST on a Poll vote.


The meeting was adjourned at 3.40pm for afternoon tea and
reconvened at 4.05pm.

Late remits.

The President informed the meeting that there were now three
late remits for Conference's consideration.

Late Remit. From a Nelson Life Member.

That this Conference recommends to the Executive that they
request the Government to pass legislation prohibiting the
feeding of honeyed water to bird life and/or discourage the
public from this activity.

More than two delegates objected (Rule 19c).

Late Remit. Southern North Island Branch.

That this Conference recommends to the Executive that they
take over the running costs of the New Zealand Internet site
(known as the NZ Beekeeper Internet Web Site).

Notes: This is a fast and effective way to communicate to

"The Remit was CARRIED by a vote of 9 For 6 Against  1

Late Remit. Hawke's Bay Branch.

That this Conference recommends to the Executive that they
seek an immediate ban on the use or sale of Imidaclopride
marketed in New Zealand under the name of Gaucho.


The use of this insecticide has been shown to cause bees to
become disoriented and to die, as they are unable to find
their way back to their hives. Refer to Ben Macintyre in The
Dominion 29.4.98.

The Remit was withdrawn.



The Conference of Branch Delegates concluded at 4.15pm and
the Annual General Meeting of the National Beekeepers'
Association of New Zealand (Inc) then re-convened.

1997 AGM Minutes.

The Chairman Moved, Mr. Tony Lorimer Seconded, That the 1997
AGM Minutes be approved for signing when the noted
corrections had been made.

Motion Carried. 
Annual Report.

The Chairman Moved, Mr. John Berry Seconded, that the Annual
Report for 1997, the audited Balance Sheet, Statement of
Income and Expenditure be received.

Motion Carried. 

1998 Budget.

The Chairman Moved, Mr. Tony Lorimer Seconded, That the 1998
Operating Budget as presented be received.

Motion Carried.   

Election of President.

The Chairman vacated the Chair.                                 

The vice-Chairman called for nominations for the position of
the President.
Mr. Russell Berry was elected as President.	 
Election of Vice President. 

The Chair called for nominations for the position of vice

Mr. Bruce Stevenson was nominated for the position of vice
President. The chairman ruled that he had received a legal
opinion that our rules did not allow this when Bruce
Stevenson's name was nominated for vice President. This was
challenged from the floor but not allowed by the chairman.
Bruce declined the nomination. Mike Stuckey asked that
Executive officers elect could be offered the positions of
President and vice president as they had been in the past.
Allen McCaw and Nick Wallingford gave instances where this
had been accepted in the past and that a legal opinion
sought previously had supported that.

Mr. Terry Gavin was elected as vice President.	 

Appoint auditor.

Messrs. PricewaterhouseCoopers (Napier) were re-appointed as
auditors Unopposed.

1999 Conference.

Mr. Lin McKenzie advised the meeting that North Otago was
prepared to host the 1999 Conference, probably in Ashburton.

The meeting agreed that North Otago would host the 1999

Year 2000 Conference will be in Gisborne. Host, Poverty Bay

Export Certification Committee.

Mr. Russell Berry reported on the little progress made and
the lack of consultation by MAF RA on the implementation of
the Pesticides Testing for NZ, the NBA had been left with an
account for approx. $17,000 for this issue.

Matters arising.

The President invited comment on any matter arising from the
President's address, the Annual Report or any other report
presented to the Annual Meeting, or for any other matter of
general business.
The meeting was advised that Mr. Keith Herron has been
retained as an advisor to the Executive.

Clarification was sought, that the membership had
recommended to the Executive that the NBA accept the MAF
Qual tender for the PMS. The motion was withdrawn so that
common sense could prevail. The question was asked would
common sense prevail? Will we have the MAF option? The
chairman replied, Yes.

Mr. John Berry Moved, Mr. Richard Bensemann Seconded, That
the offer from the Executive to have the NBA as the
Contractor for the PMS for the first year be withdrawn.

Motion Carried.

Mike Stuckey Moved, Peter Berry Seconded, That Marketing
Budget allocating of $90,0000 be retained at the agreed
level for 1998.

Motion Carried.  (For 34 - Against 10).

The President raised the issue of the European Union
requirements and the cost the NBA is liable for which had
not been allowed for in the budget.

Branch Trophy.

Mrs. Cushla Gavin presented the Branch Trophy to the Far
North Branch. 

Vote of thanks.

Mr. Russell Berry moved a vote of thanks (carried by
acclamation) to the Northland and Far North Branches for
their Organisation of this Conference.

Final Comments.

Mr. Allen McCaw moved a vote of thanks to the Chair for the

"Mr. President, it has not been an easy Conference" said
Allen, "it has been disappointing for members, and
disappointing for the Executive. However we will get through
this, and we will continue to chivvy away from the outside,
not because we don't like you, but because we have a point
of view that we would like to get across".

My appeal to you is, please communicate as much as you
possibly can, please get involved in the communication that
is going on, and please provide us with the information that
we need to make good decisions. If you didn't like the
decisions made at this Conference, I am afraid that is the
democratic process that we have. If we ask for more
information it is because we do need it. Thank you sir, for
your Chairmanship".

The President declared the 1998 Annual General Meeting and
all other meetings closed at 6.00pm on Thursday July the
23rd 1998.
Unconfirmed Minutes sent to the Executive 27th of July 1998.

Unconfirmed Minutes sent to the Branches 9th  October 1998.

Revised version, marked with an A, sent to Branches 1st June

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