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National Beekeepers' Association of New Zealand (Inc.)
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes from the meeting held at
the Trailways Motor Inn, Nelson, on the 1st, 2nd and the 3rd
of March 1999.

Present: Chairman Mr. Russell Berry, Vice Chairman Mr. Terry
Gavin, Mr. Don Bell, Mr. Tony Taiaroa, Mr. Bruce Stevenson,
Mr. Lin McKenzie, Executive secretary Mr. Harry Brown.

1. Welcome and call to order:

The Chairman Mr. Russell Berry welcomed all the participants
to the meeting and called the meeting to order at 1.00pm.


There were no apologies.

Conduct of meeting.

Confirmation of agenda.

Start/Finish times.

1.00pm start Monday.

5.30pm finish Monday.

8.30am start Tuesday.

5.30pm finish Tuesday.

8.30am start Wednesday.

4.00pm finish Wednesday.

Reordering of items.

Items not being raised elsewhere to be added to the agenda.

Rewa Rewa Honey being sold as Manuka Honey (9.16)


National Nutritional Foods Association

Foreign Affairs and Trade



Forestry Fees

Federated Farmers Land User Forum

Codex Standards

Honey Packers

Exotic Diseases


Mystery Creek Field day


Canterbury Branch (Remit 7 re Levies)

Surfactants update

Toxic Honey

2. Minutes.

Russell Berry Moved, Terry Gavin Seconded, That the Chairman
be authorised to sign the Minutes of the December 1998
Executive meeting as a true and accurate record.

Motion Carried.

Matters arising from those Minutes.

There were no matters arising that were not on the agenda.

3. Finance.

Tony Taiaroa Moved, Terry Gavin Seconded, That the Executive
moves into Committee.

Motion Carried.

Terry Gavin Moved, Bruce Stevenson Seconded, That the
Executive moves out of Committee.

Motion Carried.


Tony and the Executive secretary to look at the Commodity
levy form for the year 2000 levy collection and make some
recommendations to the May meeting.

Levy collection.

The Executive secretary reported the collection was ahead of
last year.

Bad debts.

These have been handed to a debt collection agency and are
being recovered slowly $14,000

Cheque register.

Cheque numbers 000517 - 000 537. November 1998. (50.1).

Cheques numbers 000538 - 000550 and 500201 500208 December
1998. (4.8).

Don Bell Moved, Lin McKenzie Seconded, That  the payments
made by the above Cheque numbers be approved (all

Motion Carried.

E.O.Y update.

Accounts are ready for the Auditor. There is a requirement
to have the audited accounts with the Minister within 90
days of the end of the financial year.

Last years Administration Commodity Levy compliance costs.


Russell to follow up the costs with Barnes Kirk to establish
the facts from the NBA perspective.

PMS Costs for Training In Progress.

Terry and the Executive secretary to continue to work on
this issue.

Approval from the NBA for work done by AgriQual on a charge
out situation.

Bruce to take up the issue with AgriQual that the invoice
for work carried out in the South Island had not been
received within twenty days.

It was suggested the Management agency should receive an
invoice within the agreed time to allow us to invoice the
beekeeper concerned within the stated time for the costs
incurred on behalf of the NBA.


If costs are to be incurred by the NBA in relation to the
Commodities levies (i.e. the destruction of hives), it was
agreed that the PMS Review Committee Chairman would
authorise any expenditure, but a copy of any requests will
go to the President for his edification.

4. Executive issues.

Drought relief.

Levy relief for 1999 (7.8.)

The North Otago Branch letter re the drought-affected
beekeepers in their area (7.8) was received and discussed in

Lin McKenzie Moved, Terry Gavin Seconded, That we move into

Motion Carried.

Lin McKenzie Moved, Tony Taiaroa Seconded, That we move out
of committee.

Motion Carried.


Lin McKenzie Moved, Don Bell Seconded, That in the event of
a request for a Levy deferral as a consequence of a
nationally recognised adverse event, the services and advice
of any disaster relief co-ordinator appointed as a result of
Government recognition of that disaster, be part of the
assessment of the merits of such requests.

Motion Carried.

Bruce Stevenson Moved, Lin McKenzie Seconded, That we extend
the date of requests for deferrals till the 20th of April
1999 for government recognised disaster-affected areas for
the current year.

Motion Carried.

Lin will write an article for the March Beekeeper magazine
explaining the reasons for this and pointing out this is
this is only a deferral or a loan, the monies must
eventually paid to the NBA.

The Chairman thanked Don and Lin for all the work they had
done on this issue.

Import Export Issues.

Western Australian Honey Submission. (5.5. 9.2).


Russell will approach Mark Goodwin to ensure he prepares a
substantive submission using scientific facts.

PMS Review Committee (Bruce) will prepare a submission of
the NBA's PMS Strategy.

Russell and Lin to work on a submission from the Executive.

All submissions to be under one umbrella.


Request for an extension of the Submission date for Western
Australian Honey Imports (9.1)

This has now been extended to the 31st of March.

Pitcairn Island imports of Honey and Propolis (5.6).


PMS Review Committee (Bruce) will prepare a submission on
this issue.

Russell to approach Mark Goodwin to have him write a
substantive submission.

Broom Beetle (Goniochaeta olivacea) Submission (7.6)


Russell is to prepare a submission against the importation
of this beetle.  Executive secretary is to establish the
close off date.  Broom the beetle will attack, is an erosion
protection plant as well as a very important pollen source.

NZ Packaged Honey taken into Australia by visitors.


Terry said he had not made the progress he had wished on
this issue.

Value of Pollination to the Nation.


Terry is still working on this issue and will approach some
others to assist him in this project.

Mystery Creek Field day in Hamilton.


It was agreed that this was an excellent initiative from the
Waikato Branch to have a presence at Mystery Creek Filed Day
and the Executive totally supported it. It was suggested
that Waikato Branch approach all the North Island Branches
and the Marketing Committee for assistance. It was also
suggested that the public good from pollination be promoted
and Waikato should approach the organiser's for reduction in
site costs, as this was an educational site not a product
selling site.

Executive secretary to write to Waikato Branch to advise
them of the above outcomes.

Analogue Honey (3.2)

Russell to approach the Australian Canadian and USA Honey


Russell said he had some feed back on this issue and it was

Royal Jelly Pollen etc warning labels.  (52.10).


Terry, Don, the Nutritional Foods Association, Ron Law,
Comvita, Cliff Van Eaton, had met with the Associate Health
Minister and said we would continue to disagree with the
requirements for labeling. We also disagree with the
scientific justification for labeling.  Submissions have
been made to the Food Standards Review committee.

Don and Terry to establish whom the Australian counterparts
are and request their support for a stand against the
labeling requirements.

The labeling requirements are now delayed until the 17th of
April 1999.

Approval of the 1998 Annual report.


Lin McKenzie Moved, Terry Gavin Seconded, That the Annual
report be adopted with the suggested changes.

Motion Carried.

1998 AGM Minutes.


Bruce said he would send the changes he received after the
close off date to the Executive secretary for comment.  The
Executive secretary would bring these changes to the May
meeting for guidance.

AFB Training courses at Conference.


Bruce will take the issue of a course at Conference up with
the Conference organizers.

It was agreed there was no reason why a Branch couldn't
organize a course as well within the guidelines laid down.
This will be raised with the PMS Review Committee.

Roy Paterson Trophy nominees for 1999.

(Nominees required by the 15th of June).

It was agreed that the Vice President would be the judge
again this year.

Health Insurance proposal (51.3).


The Executive secretary is to write and advise the Health
Insurance Company that they would accept the offer on behalf
of the NBA members.

Meeting adjourned at 5.45pm.

Meeting reconvened at 8.45am.

Marketing Committee report.

1999 Draft Budget and Plan. (Within 20% allocation of
Commodity levy).


The meeting complimented the developers of the Plan on the
inclusion of Key Performance Indicators in this year Plan.

Meeting with Marketing Committee Chair and Facilitators.

The Marketing Chairman, Jane Lorimer, Marketing
Facilitators, Bill and Sandee Floyd joined the meeting at
9.30am and were welcomed by the Chairman.

Jane presented the 1999 Marketing Plan and her report.

Bill presented the Marketing Committee vision for the coming

Meeting adjourned at 10.05am.

Meeting reconvened at 10.25am.

Bill continued with his presentation.

Manuka Standards.

Bill asked for some guidelines from the Executive on their
policy on Standards for Manuka Honey. Bill also asked, what
was the Executives position on the Ministry of Health's
warning requirements for Royal Jelly, Pollen and Propolis?

Meeting adjourned at 12.05pm.

Meeting reconvened at 1.10pm.

Jane presented "Draft 2" letter of engagement for the
Marketing Facilitator.

The Chair said the Executive would discuss the wishes of the
Facilitator for termination period later in the meeting.

HRU Meeting.

Jane reported that Peter Molan was having major problems in
gathering samples from beekeepers. Should NBA set up a
register of Honeys produced from each area?

Jane will continue to explore this idea.

The Chairman thanked Jane, Sandee and Bill for their time
and input. They left the meeting at 1.50pm.

Defamation action. (51.1. 4.7. 5.3. 7.4.  8.5. 9.14. 9.17.
9.18. 9.19.).


The Publications Chairman recommended that we take the
Association lawyer's advice and settle within the guidelines

The Executive secretary is to look at Insurance cover
against claims such as this for the NBA and its activities,
and report to the May Executive meeting.

1998 Rule Changes are still to be signed.


Report on the visit to University of Waikato and Prof. Peter


It was reported a student could be used for Research for as
little as $7000 per year. It was agreed that the Executive
needs to promote the funding of Research to the membership
via the Magazine.

Executive secretary is to approach Peter Molan to see if it
was possible for him to have some one from the Waikato
University write a letter for the Magazine outlining the
potential to fund a student.

Report on visit to Hort+Research and Dr Mark Goodwin by
Russell, Terry, Jane Lorimer and Harry Brown.


It was agreed this had been a very worthwhile visit with the
Auckland staff coming to Ruakura to meet the team and
present some of the work they were carrying out.

It was noted that all transgenic seed trials in NZ were
pollinated in secure bee access sites.

Six monthly review of Administration contractor.

Outcomes. Over an hour was spent on this issue.

It was suggested that Financial forecasting on where we are
in relation to the Budget would be an advantage to the
Executive to allow more timely management of the budget.

It was suggested that in his role as Editor he could request
advice more often on the contents of some articles before
they are printed.

It was noted that the concerns made at the previous review
had been addressed.

Meeting adjourned at 3.45pm.

Meeting reconvened at 4.05pm.

Budget for 1999.


It was agreed that the PMS Manual is for sale. But will be
supplied free to those who have a DECA. (This was funded by
a grant from the Honey Industry Trust.)

Meeting adjourned at 5.25pm.

Meeting reconvened at 8.35am.

Budget discussions (continued.)

The Executive secretary said his company would reduce A4
photocopying to .08 cents per copy.

All Executive are asked to evaluate their weekly packs (over
the next four weeks) to see if they were receiving
information that was not of value to them and advise the
Executive secretary.

Conference costs were seriously looked at and a possible
reduction was suggested, that maybe Conference should be
held every second year.

It was agreed that all Executive meetings would be closely
monitored with the possibility of reducing the number of
days-spent meeting to two, or reduce the number of meetings
per year.

All Executive to supply costs to the Executive secretary for
them to fly in to Wellington on a Sunday morning, Sunday
evening or Monday morning to establish the cheapest options
for Executive meetings.

Meeting adjourned at 10.05am.

Meeting reconvened at 10.15am.

Budget discussions (continued.)

The Publications budget was discussed in full and all
options looked at again. The meeting was reminded that
though the budget was approx. $60,000 for the year, the
magazine actually returned $30,000 worth of income to the
NBA for the last year.

Bruce will re work the budget with the costs cutting
suggestions made.

The Chairman thanked Bruce for all the work he had done in
preparing the Draft budget for discussion.

Marketing Facilitator proposed letter of engagement. (9.13).


The Executive endorses the process of negotiations with Bill
by the Marketing Committee and awaits their recommendations.

Proposed Marketing Plan for 1999.


Don Bell Moved, Tony Taiaroa Seconded, That we receive the
Proposed Marketing Plan and Budget for 1999 with a reduction
in expenditure to $80,000 and the Committee be commended on
the Plan and the Key Performance indicators in it.

Motion Carried.

The Marketing Facilitator asked:

Does the NBA Executive support the Marketing Mission

Don Bell Moved, Terry Gavin Seconded, That it be recorded,
that the Executive does support the Mission statement of the
Marketing Committee.

Motion Carried.

Does the Executive agree that the  Marketing Committee
should encourage new brands to think of buying and marketing
NZ Honeys, because it is good for the NZ producer?

Terry Gavin Moved, Lin McKenzie Seconded, That the Executive
does endorse this initiative.

Motion Carried.


Tony to relay this decision to the Marketing Committee.

Does the Executive agree with pollen analysis for
identifying Manuka honey?

Terry Gavin Moved, Tony Taiaroa seconded, That pollen
analysis is used as the method of identifying Manuka honey,
until a more reliable method comes along.

Motion Carried. 4-2.

Lin and Russell asked that it be recorded, that they voted
against the above Motion.


Tony to relay this decision to the Marketing Committee.

Don Bell Moved, Lin McKenzie Seconded, That a trace back
system or lack of one must not be allowed to be a barrier to
the implementation of the above motion.

Motion Carried.

Meeting adjourned at 12.05pm.

Meeting reconvened at 1.05pm.

Mr. Terry Gavin, Vice President, in the Chair.

Bruce presented the revised 1999 budget to the meeting.

The report was left to lie on the table until Russell
returned from the interview with the local newspaper.

AFB Dog update.


Nothing new to report.

Opua as a Port of entry for small boats.


Nothing to report on the Proposal presented to the Minister.

Update on Road User Charges (RUC)


No progress to date.

Russell returned to Chair the meeting.

Federated Farmers Land User Forum. (4.3)


Terry Gavin Moved, Lin McKenzie Seconded, That the NBA
maintains a close affiliation with the new land user forum.

Motion Carried.

Terry and  Don to be the contact people for this forum. Lin
to prepare an introductory letter.

1999 NBA Budget.


Russell and Bruce to prepare a submission to the Honey
Industry Trustees for assistance as a back stop if required.

Bruce Stevenson Moved, Tony Taiaroa Seconded, That the
Apiary levy be increased by $4.00. per apiary site starting
with the levies due in  year 2000.

Motion Carried.


Bruce to prepare a report for the magazine, with Russell's
input, outlining the reasons for the proposed increase.

1999 NBA Budget.

Terry Gavin Moved, Bruce Stevenson Seconded, That the 1999
budget, as presented, be adopted.

Motion Carried.

Proposed Rule changes - Hawke's Bay (Tony).


It was noted that the NBA Rules need to be completely
updated, but it would not appear prudent to carry out the
task this year.

Tony will rewrite the Hawke's Bay Proposed Rule change to
ensure it does meet the requirements of the NBA Rules. After
gaining approval from the Hawke's Bay Branch the changes are
as they wish he will circulate them to the Executive within
the next two weeks. He will also look at Standing Orders.

Labeling of Bee Pollen Royal Jelly and Propolis.

What stance, on bee products labeling, does the Executive
wish for the New Zealand Honey Food Ingredient Advisory
Service to adopt?


Terry Gavin Moved, Don Bell Seconded, That we accept the
decision of the Health Department and continue lobbying to
reduce the requirements on labeling. Don and Terry to open
up negotiations with our Australian counterparts and request
their support for a stand against the labeling requirements.

Motion carried.

Bruce Stevenson Moved, Tony Taiaroa Seconded, That a letter
is sent to the Marketing Committee advising of the reduction
in their budget and suggesting they would have to re work
their budget to reflect this.

Motion Carried.

Export of Bees to the USA.


Don and Terry to register the industries concerns with
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Russell to supply the
back ground information to Don.

NBA PMS electronic home page.


People will very soon be able to register and de register
sites also available will be the ability to print out the
forms etc as required.

Industry standards.


Russell to write an article on this issue to stimulate



Don Bell Moved, Tony Taiaroa Seconded, That the Executive
secretary ask Mark Goodwin for an update on the Surfactant
work to date and any other relevant research information.

Motion Carried.

Bee poisoning.


The issue is now with the AgriQual investigation unit so the
next step can be taken.

Feeding honeyed water to Birds (Lin).


Lin will have an article ready for the September Beekeeper

PMS Chairman's report.

When will the NBA receive the next DRAFT Contract from


It was reported that we had not received this yet. It was
agreed that when the next version is ready it will be
circulated to the Executive for approval. This is expected
within the week.

The PMS Chair briefed the meeting on the progress of the
Contracted work with AgriQual and the result of the
Conference call with the Contractor and the cost of the

Bruce Stevenson Moved, Terry Gavin Seconded, That the Manual
be given out free to anyone who has a confirmed DECA.

Motion Carried.

It was agreed that a Contractor could print out the Test,
mark it, and print the certificate for a cost of $25.00 and
returning the income over expenses to the NBA to help defray
expenses of the PMS.

April Pest Management Summit (Bruce to attend).


Tony Taiaroa Moved, Lin McKenzie Seconded, That Bruce
Stevenson accepts the invitation to attend the Pest
Management Summit in Palmerston North in April.

Motion Carried.

PMS Operational Plan (7.9).


Terry Gavin Moved, Bruce Stevenson Seconded, That the PMS
Operational Plan be adopted.

Motion Carried.

Publications Committee Report.


Tony will write to all the Committees requesting that they
write for the Magazine, a few lines each month on what their
Committee is working on.

He will also write to the Branch Secretaries asking if they
could write a "From the Colonies" Report for each issue.

It was noted that the Magazine EOY costs had come in under

Editorial standards are still being worked on and will be
incorporated into the magazine.

Meeting adjourned at 3.10pm.

Meeting reconvened at 3.25pm.

E U Honey residue survey collection of samples for 1999.


It was noted that the collection had been completed. Cost
$5965.00 + GST.

Lin McKenzie Moved, Tony Taiaroa Seconded,, That we move
into committee.

Motion Carried.

Lin McKenzie Moved, Bruce Stevenson Seconded, That we move
out of committee.

Motion Carried.


The procedure for the taking of samples was discussed.

Terry and Bruce left the meeting at 3.45pm.

1999 Conference report.


Things are progressing well.

Honey Industry Trust Applications.


The applications to the Trustees are with the referees for



It was agreed that if any one was going to Apimondia could
they please contact the Executive secretary so that NZ
beekeepers could work together as a group.

Sanitary Phytosanitary Agreement seminar.


It was agreed that Russell should attend.

ACC changes.


Executive secretary to approach Alan Berry to prepare a
report on this for the magazine.

Codex Report.


Don Bell Moved, Tony Taiaroa Seconded, That we receive this

Motion Carried.

Honey Packers Association. (5.8)


This report was received.


Don Bell Moved, Tony Taiaroa Seconded, That all inwards
correspondence not already dealt with is accepted as
received and all out going correspondence is approved.

Motion Carried.

General Business.

Canterbury Branch letter on the levies iniquities (Remit 7.
9.) be received and be added to the May agenda.

As there were no further items of general business, the
Chairman thanked all for their input and declared the
meeting closed at 4.10pm

Next meeting is in Wellington the 17th, 18th, 19th of May at
the Sharella Motor Inn.

DRAFT Minutes sent to the President 3rd of March 1999.

DRAFT Minutes sent to the Executive 5th of March 1999.

Unconfirmed Minutes sent to Executive 12th of March 1999.

Unconfirmed Minutes sent to Branches 15th of March 1999.

Confirmed Minutes approved for signing 1999.


Precis of the meeting (not actually part of the minutes...)

12th March 1999

My Precis from the March meeting of the National Executive
Committee held in Nelson.

Issues as usual, covered very broad areas from Budgets to
imports to beekeepers with no crop and limited funds, and
everything imaginable in between.

The 1999 budget was approved with a deficit predicted for

Cost cutting was carried out right across all cost centres
except the PMS (formerly disease control), and the
Publications budget.  Bruce Stevenson is to prepare a report
for the magazine, with Russell's input, outlining the
reasons for the proposed increase of the Apiary levy for the
year 2000 collection.

Royal Jelly Pollen and Propolis warning labels were covered
with Terry Gavin and Don Bell reporting on their meeting
with the Associate Health Minister and said we would
continue to question the requirements for labeling.  We also
disagree with the scientific justification for labeling.
Submissions have been made to the Food Standards Review

Don and Terry are to establish who the Australian
counterparts are and request their support for a stand
against the labeling requirements.

The labeling requirements are now delayed until the 17th of
April 1999.

The closing date for submissions on the Western Australian
Honey issue has been extended to the 31st of March.

Russell Berry reported he is still working on the Honey
analogue issue.

It was agreed due to the very serious drought position in
some areas the Executive would delay the closing date for
the request for a deferral to the 20th of April, and they
would view each applicant individually.

Lin McKenzie will write an article in the March issue of the
magazine outlining this initiative.

The Executive does not have the power to waive the levy,
only the power to delay payment. Special thanks to the North
Otago Branch who wrote to the Executive on this issue.

If you know of some one that is having difficulties with the
levy please ask them to contact me in confidence.

How about a site at the at Mystery Creek Field day in
Hamilton managed by the Waikato Branch?

It was agreed this was an excellent idea from the Waikato
Branch and the Executive totally supported it. It was
suggested that Waikato Branch approach all the North Island
Branches and the Marketing Committee for assistance. It was
also suggested that the public good from pollination be
promoted and Waikato should approach the organiser's for
reduction in site costs, as this was an educational site not
a product selling site.

Don't forget the Waikato Branch Field day on the 27th of
March. Details in the March issue of the magazine.

Note: Southern North Island Branch Field day is on the same
date. (In the March issue as well) Both Branches tried to
avoid clashing, but speaker commitments etc just did not
allow for this to happen.

The Executive agreed 4-2 that pollen analysis should be used
as the method of identifying Manuka honey, until a cheaper
and superior method comes along.

NBA PMS home page. The Chairman of the PMS Review Committee,
Bruce Stevenson said people will very soon be able to de
register sites, print out the forms etc as required from
this page:

[Sorry I just can't let that pass!  The correct address is ]

The Executive agreed with the PMS Review Committee's
recommendation that the AFB Manual be given out free to
anyone who has a confirmed Disease Elimination Conformity
Agreement (DECA). (This contains all the things you need to
know to pass the Competency Test.) They agreed the
educational value was very high for the industry and we
should make this available. The Executive adopted the PMS
Operational Plan for the NBA's PMS.

One of the suggestions put forward was, could an AFB
training course be held at Conference?

It was agreed this was an excellent idea and this will be
raised with the PMS Review Committee.

Anthony Taiaroa, Publications Chairman reported that the end
of year result for the magazine was under budget, plus it
had contributed $30,000 to the NBA funds from subscriptions
and advertising income.

Bee poisoning in the South Island was discussed and we were
advised that the issue is now with the AgriQual
investigation unit so the next step can be taken. I am to
contact Dr Goodwin for an update on the Surfactant work he
is carrying out. I will advise you in due course of the

E U Honey residue survey collection of samples for 1999 is
now completed and we are waiting on a price for the testing
of the samples.

ACC changes is an interesting subject and you will see an
article in the March Magazine to hopefully assist you with
this new challenge.

Special thanks to John Moffat and Michael Wraight for all
their work in ensuring the night was a success for those who

Terry Gavin said to remind you all that he is looking for
nominations for the Roy Paterson Trophy for 1999. (Nominees
required by the 15th of June). Terry's phone number is 09
433 1893.

Don't forget to Diary Conference in July at the Ashburton
Hotel. Seminar days 12th and 13th, AGM Conference 14th and
15th of July. See you there?

You will note in the December issue of the magazine I have
printed all the School term start and finish dates for you.
Is this of assistance?

If you know of anyone going to Apimondi could you ask them
to contact me, as we are trying to have a NZ contingent

I am still desperate for stories and photos for the
magazine. Can you help? Know someone who can?

Kindest regards

Harry Brown

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