MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE NBA EXECUTIVE HELD IN WELLINGTON AT THE FEDERATED FARMERS OFFICE IN JOHNSTON STREET, ON SATURDAY 4 DECEMBER 1999 Apologies: There were no apologies Start time: 9am Expected finish time: 5pm Agenda: added items from the floor - PMS Letters - Subcommittees - HRU Work - Field Days for 2000 - Findings of the Bee Product Labelling Report Outcomes: (1) MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the meeting of October 28 held in Christchurch were taken as read. (2) MATTERS ARISING - Phenol Testing It was suggested that overseas testing be considered as this may be a cheaper option. - Surfactant Report It was moved that at least 100 more copies of the Surfactant Report be printed and they be made available for distribution to Regional and District Councils, farmers, spray suppliers, contractors and anyone with an interest. Bell/Lorimer - carried (3) FINANCE It was moved that the Executive move into committee Bell/Taiaroa - carried It was moved that the Executive move out of committee Bell/Lorimer - carried The accounts to hand were approved for payment and it was noted that a full report would be sent from Federated Farmers within the week. It was moved that the list of all those who have been identified as non-payers and have been issued a final notice be forwarded to BayCorp immediately. Taiaroa/Bell - carried. Budget projections are currently being developed and it was noted these must be completed with some urgency. It was moved to have immediate progress on an extended budget as well. McKenzie/Bell - carried. Lin McKenzie outlined what he perceives the requirements for the Trust application to be. --------------------------- BREAK FOR MORNING TEA ------------------------- (4) APPOINTMENT OF A SERVICE PROVIDER AND EXECUTIVE SECRETARY It was noted that Don Bell had taken Tony Taiaroa's place on this committee because Tony Taiaroa felt personal association with staff at Sheffield Consultancy had compromised his position. It was moved by Lin McKenzie that Federated Farmers be appointed as the favoured service provider subject to approval of heads of agreement. McKenzie/Bell - carried. Lin McKenzie expressed the Executive's appreciation to Bruce Cottrill for Federated Farmers assistance with accounts and other matters. -------------------------------- BREAK FOR LUNCH -------------------------------- (5) APPLICATION TO THE INDUSTRY TRUST FOR NBA FUNDING This is currently in motion. (6) TERMS OF REFERENCE OF PMS REVIEW COMMITTEE Don Bell suggested the subcommittee should have autonomy and this should be respected. This subcommittee should appoint their own chairperson, and Don suggested this be implemented as soon as possible. Terry Gavin pointed out this subcommittee was responsible for reviewing: - Operational plan - Management agency - Work of the contractors These Terms of Reference, when fully developed are to be sent out to all members of the committee. (7) PUBLICATIONS Terry Gavin reported that all information held on the B Peterson situation by the association has been given to the privacy commissioner. Publications Committee Chairman Tony Taiaroa reported his committee recommended to the executive that the publications committee become responsible for the web page, and that the Web page master should answer to the Publications Committee Chairman, (who may delegate.) Magazine contents Branch secretaries are to be asked to supply information or reports for letters from the colonies. Tony Taiaroa will write to the secretaries asking for reports from their areas. It is expected the "Reports from the Colonies" column will expand. The committee recommended to Executive that in future Trust Fund grants for research be approved conditional on papers being made available to the Magazine. The committee felt the "Notes from the Executive" column was no longer appropriate. It was suggested that, although the president may invite someone to write them, they should always be referred to the president and will be "Notes from the President." Profile Magazine Tony Taiaroa reported there was a hold on the new profile magazines due to financial restraints. When the new budget comes into force there will be further progress. (8) ANIMAL PRODUCTS ACT Terry Gavin stated discussions with the policy analyst were addressing this issue e.g. exemption from the Animal Products Act. (9) MARKETING FACILITATOR CONTRACT Once a budget is confirmed there will be progress in this matter. (10) SURFACTANT STRATEGY Tony Taiaroa suggested Derek Newton to assist Don Bell with the strategy to deal with the surfactants issue. (11) LABELLING REQUIREMENTS Jane Lorimer reviewed the report of the Bee Product warning review Working Group. The major conclusions of the Working Group were that risk management should be limited to ingredient labelling of all products containing propolis, bee pollen and royal jelly through voluntary labelling and a self regulated industry code of practice, or through mandatory labelling. The Working Group estimated that the risk of adverse health effects in the general population from ingestion of royal jelly was higher than that for other bee products, and also identified that asthmatics represented a high population group with higher susceptibility to adverse health effects than the general population. The Working Group recommends the following statement on all food products/dietary supplements containing royal jelly. i.e. royal jelly may cause serious allergic reactions. Most reports have been in asthma sufferers. ( 12) OSH SAFETY PLAN Lin McKenzie is to contact the Central Otago group to progress distribution. (12) CORRESPONDENCE Don Bell moved inward correspondence be received and outward approved. (as per The Correspondence Register) Bell/Taiaroa - carried. (13) EXOTIC DISEASE INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE It was agreed the Terms of Reference should be distributed to the committee. (14) APPLICATION TO EXPORT WESTERN AUSTRALIAN HONEY TO NEW ZEALAND. Terry Gavin has talked to Jim Edwards and reported there is progress in this area. A decision is not expected to be reached until mid February 2000. (15) LANDCARE RESEARCH SURVEY ON ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF BROOM Terry Gavin to move this forward. -------------------------- BREAK FOR AFTERNOON TEA ------------------------- (16) COST RECOVERY To be part of discussion with Federated Farmers regarding administration. Lin McKenzie suggested that a log of the work done be kept in order to ascertain costs, and that a note be put into the Beekeeper stating this is going to happen. (17) REPORTS - Honey Research Unit Jane Lorimer reported that regarding the Honey Research Projects, honey is to be tested for anti-oxidants. - Field Days Jane Lorimer stated that the national field day is to be held in Mystery Creek in the year 2000 and that the theme is "Festival of Food". A pack from the Field Day Society had been received stating that all applications must be in by December 1 1999. Both indoor and outdoor sites have been booked and only one will be chosen depending on funding. More progress will be made once confirmation on the site available is received. - ARAC A list of Bee Diseases around the world and possible hive product imports was presented to the ARAC meeting attended by Terry Gavin on Thursday. (18) CONFERENCE UPDATE - WHO WILL BE REPSONSIBLE? The executive member responsible is to contact the Poverty Bay branch. (19) BEEKEEPING INDUSTRY - WHERE WE ARE GOING Terry Gavin reiterated that the committee appointed to further this needed to be operational. (20) STRATEGIC PATHWAY DOCUMENT It was estimated funding requirements for this initiative were in the region of $20,000 and it was agreed an approach be made to the Industry Trust Fund. ----------------------- MEETING ADJOURNED AT 4:30PM ---------------------- NATIONAL BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION OF NEW ZEALAND (INC.) MINUTES OF CONTINUATION OFA MEETING OF THE NBA EXECUTIVE HELD IN WELLINGTON AT THE FEDERATED FARMERS OFFICE IN JOHNSTON STREET, ON SUNDAY 5 DECEMBER 1999 Apologies: There were no apologies Start time: 8:30am Expected finish time: 11:30am AGENDA: One item to be added to the agenda suggested by Tony Taiaroa - (1) MEETING TIMETABLE FOR THE YEAR 2000 There was general discussion on timing for meetings. Lin McKenzie suggested a meeting every month, flying in on Sunday's lower cost flights and leaving on the last flight on Monday. It was concluded that Tony Taiaroa would investigate further costsavings with one-day meetings held more often. (2) EU TESTING Terry Gavin to confirm with MAFRA that the EU testing will meet requirements under the Animal Products Act. (3) IMPORT STANDARDS FOR BEE PRODUCTS DISCUSSED AT ASCC MEETING ON 2ND DECEMEBER Terry Gavin stated that a list of pests and diseases around the world was presented to ARAC at the meeting on 2nd December, which he attended. (4) ILLEGAL IMPORTS OF AUSTRALIAN HONEY IN GIFT PACKS Terry Gavin stated that this matter is currently under investigation, particularly regarding documentation of products containing honey. It was moved that a letter be written to heads of major chain stores seeking their cooperation in the matter of honey from other countries, and noting it is appreciated they may be unaware of the presence of honey in gift packs etc. McKenzie/Taiaroa - carried (5) DATA BASE ANALYSIS Jane Lorimer reported that the disc of the Data Base Analysis was not received from the former executive secretary. She moved that Nick Wallingford be asked to forward a copy to the service provider to further the analysis of data base. In addition he would also be asked to furnish the executive with an appropriate invoice. Lorimer/McKenzie - carried. (6) GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS It was concluded that the NBA should keep in contact with ERMA to see what the implications of this are. A watching brief is being kept. (7) Y2K COMPLIANCE LETTER FROM MAF RE APIARY REGISTER Terry Gavin to contact Murray Reid on this issue. (8) NBA TRUST APPLICATIONS No applications for grants have been received. Executive's request for grant. It was moved that Jane Lorimer and Lin McKenzie prepare the information and circulate to president for signature. Taiaroa/Bell - carried (9) REMITS AND RULE CHANGES Jane Lorimer suggested an 'Annual Review of Rules and Remit Formation' at the next meeting of the NBA executive. (10) RESEARCH REPORT - MARK GOODWIN It was decided that Research Reports by Mark Goodwin should be part of future planning. (11) CODE OF PRACTICE It was suggested that encouragement would be given to Southlanders to continue with the code of practice. As well the executive noted requirements under the Animal Products Bill. (12) ROY PATERSON TROPHY Terry Gavin stated that an advertisement is to appear in the May magazine of the Beekeeper. (13) FRST There was some discussion on FRST and funding for research and development plans will be sought. (14) FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND TRADE A watching brief be kept on other countries activities and their commitment to residue testing requirements. (15) ACC The Exec agreed to be aware of possible changes resulting from new government. OTHER ISSUES NOT ON AGENDA - Don Bell reiterated the NBA write to the newly appointed Minister of Agriculture Mr. Jim Sutton congratulating him and asking for an opportunity to meet at the earliest possible time. - Tony Taiaroa suggested adding an item to the next meeting - "Facilitators Position". - It was requested that the guidelines as submitted for the PMS review committee be reviewed. - Lin McKenzie stated that the Napier phone number is disconnected and that a call diversion should have been installed.Home NZ Bkpg Bee Diseases Organisation Information Contacts
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